Monday, December 15, 2008

Sen. Boseman's Scared

When Senator Julia Boseman returned back to Raleigh to begin her session last summer, the senator moved in with one of the state's most powerful and influential lobbyist. Moved in, and caught by Marc Benson doing so. Benson is a private detective and the host of a radio show about crime. For the past 3o years or so Benson has been bringing people to justice, including Sen. Boseman.

So turd breath Boseman sneaks into Raleigh, mooching off a well financed lobbyist, with clients such as the pig farmers, hog waste industry, video poker advocate, and even an organization that deals with the liquor industry, Not only is she breaking serious ethical regulations she has done so with her ex-partner's child, a direct violation of a judge's court order.

It was Benson that was following up an investigation for the radio show, taking pictures, documenting the fact that Boseman was indeed not only violating a court order but violating ethical standards set forth by state law.

Apparently Boseman has a phobia, a fear of long phallic shaped objects pointed at her face and the fear caused her enough distress to weigh in a petty complaint with some government agency about having her picture taken. An agency that heard her complaint and warned Benson to be careful next time. Careful of what?

Apparently the politically appointed members of the state board does not allow private citizens to photograph Senator Boseman, even when doing so for a radio show. How could a radio show need photos? Maybe as verification of fact? What difference does it make? It wasn't like the Senator was secretly photographed, she was out in the public view, much like movie stars and others getting their pictures taken making out on a nude beach, stepping out of cars so drunk their no undies are showing. There is no crime, none, no rule, regulation, or law against it but the Board felt a warning was in order nonetheless. Perhaps to please the senator, perhaps because the warning is of no consequence and is only a matter of opinion and not a disciplinary act, per se.

So whether it is penis envy or just some phobic reaction to camera lenses who knows, but one thing is for sure, the senator is afraid of being discovered committing "errors in judgment," so much so she gets her panties all twisted up and wastes time, money and energy to make good people step and fetch for her.

Benson has been a Private Detective since 2004, he has also has press credentials since 2004. Following, photographing and investigating a corrupt senator should be perfectly legitimate business for any citizen. And it is, even though Boseman thinks she is above that.

Good luck Booseman trying to make a mountain out of a molehill. I can't wait to see the next picture that comes out of the darkroom exposing your filthy behind.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Absolutely NO Connection to Sen. RC.... so they say

Big-time Tabor City slithering snake, Carl David Wright arrest has no connection with Senator RC Soles, or so they say. We just thought you'd want to know that. We wanted you to know that David Wright's cocaine dealing days are not to be confused with the good Senator federal investigation. Nope, nothing the feds will admit to. The feds never comment on an investigation, never.

Carl David Wright, 53, home is located at 665 Vinegar Loop Road in the Vinegar Hill community northeast of Tabor City. Authorities discovered $256,000 and the 32 ounces of powder cocaine at the home. They made numerous undercover buys from Wright.

Wright, who was a police officer in Tabor City from 1978 to 1983, is not employed, and told officers at the time of his arrest he worked sometimes as an “assistant insurance adjuster.”

Wright is being held in the county jail under a $1 million secured bond, and the FBI has filed a detainer on him in case he posts the bond.

On August 19, 2002 Wright was convicted for possessing drugs. The defense attorney, RC Soles, was able to beat down the original charges of felony possession with intent to distribute to possession, and to dismiss a charge for maintaining a house for the purposes of dealing drugs.

In 1987 Wright was arrested by the same Columbus County detective that arrested him on all the other charges. In 1987 Wright was arrested for being a moonshiner.

Now don't get all excited trying to link a connection between Wright and Soles. I know there are tons of rumors running around about how Wright and Soles go way back. Senator Soles is a very public person and has many "connections" with people from all walks of life. Just because someone says Sen. Soles uses Wright from time to time to effect various situations in Soles' favor does not mean it is true. And just because the FBI has an interest in this case does not mean it has any connection with the supposed Grand Jury investigation taking place in Raleigh... at least that's what they say.

Friday, November 21, 2008

The Journal Shames the Star "Puppy Paper" News

We are posting the Wilmington Journal's editorial in its entirety because we are so excited about the paper's dedication to the truth and so ashamed of how the Star News ignored it.

The Wilmington Journal
Originally posted 11/25/2008

Well, well, well! It took a while, but finally the ''great'' minds at the StarNews have seen the light when it comes to Sen. Julia Boseman.

Earlier this week, the major newspaper of record here went after Boseman for the scandal surrounding her alleged swindling of a poor family in a mobile home deal she made with them three years ago.

That family now stands to lose its home because it's being foreclosed on, and the ''Honorable'' State Senator Julia Boseman - who is also a real estate attorney when she's not using the n-word, lying to adoption agencies or threatening former legal partners with personal ruination - hasn't displayed the basic character or moral decency to come forward and explain her actions.

The Star News, which did next to nothing in reporting the many controversies surrounding this train wreck of a public official before the paper endorsed Boseman for a third term (something The Journal absolutely refused to do), acted like a lover betrayed (something Boseman has had extensive experience doing to many others), when it took her backside to the woodshed.

We invite you to join us now in feasting on what has to be some of the most verbose hypocrisy this side of the Alaskan governor's office.

''…[S]he needs to explain why she deserves to keep her seat,'' an embarrassed Star News opined. ''Many of her constituents think she should resign, and that sentiment will grow unless she can provide a strong argument to the contrary.''

Gee, didn't The Journal say that last June and July?

''Voters knew going into the Nov. 4 election that the Democratic state senator has faced serious personal and financial difficulties, including foreclosures on property she owned independently as well as with her former domestic partner before their bitter breakup. She should have known better than to insist that these were personal matters not worthy of public discussion. She's a public official, and how she conducts her personal business speaks to her character and qualifications for office.''

Oh, cut it out, if you truly believed that ''how [Sen. Boseman] conducts her personal business speaks to her character and qualifications for office,'' you would have dutifully reported the sworn damaging testimony about this loser from her explosive three-day December 2007 child custody hearing…IN December 2007, because you had a reporter RIGHT THERE IN THE COURTROOM all three days, but decided sworn testimony about Boseman's excessive drinking, illegal drug usage as a public official, lewd behavior in public and of course, obscene racist language in front of her family and young child that even her own attorney admitted during the proceedings, were simply allegations against an elected official you felt didn't merit public disclosure during an election year.

Outstanding journalism we could all ''learn'' from.

Then, after trying to justify why the paper has been covering up for Boseman all of this time (''Boseman has generally represented New Hanover County well.'' Not if you're Black, StarNews, NOT if you're Black), our city's ''friend to all fresh fish'' then recounted how the lease-to-own agreement Boseman made with a family may end up seeing them $35,000 poorer and living in the woods because their bottom-of-the-barrel landlord (Boseman) is being foreclosed on.

She took their money, but didn't keep up with the payments required on the property, thus forcing the foreclosure.
Now how darn dirty is that?!!!

The Star News says despite assurances from Boseman's ''mouthpiece'' (aka Tom Keating, her former campaign manager and apparent rhetorical butler) that the bank will work out something with the family (which will be interesting given that one of the parents has been out of work for three months), Boseman needs to act like an honorable leader.

''If she leaves this family in the lurch,'' it concludes, ''she's not worthy of her constituents' trust.''

So let's get this straight - only now, when a poor, innocent family who trusted attorney Julia Boseman for their very shelter, is looking down the loaded barrel of a cold weather eviction notice thanks to her irresponsible behavior and twisted dishonest character, does our daily decide that Madame Boseman may be as trustworthy as Tokyo Rose.

The Star News, and everybody who supported Julia Boseman for reelection, only have themselves to blame for this travesty.

The Wilmington Journal has been sounding the alarm about how dishonest and untrustworthy Julia Boseman is for years. The Journal was the only media outlet in the state - Black or White - that read and researched every page of the court transcript from Boseman's December 2007 child custody hearing, and published what it learned.

While others were making excuses for her admitted pot smoking as a New Hanover County commissioner, failure to pay property taxes on several addresses or very dirty dancing with a female friend in full view of decent families at a motor speedway, The Journal detailed explosive sworn testimony from those who've known Julia Boseman best for the past 20 years.

The dark, deceitful, hateful and racist profile they collectively drew, coupled with the documented complete disregard Sen. Boseman has displayed toward the African-American community and its issues during her two useless terms, was something readers of The Wilmington Journal were well educated about.

Then, of course, the state allegations of forged signatures on Boseman's campaign finance reports, something she tried to explain away by saying she had ''authorization'' to write someone else's name on several legal documents without their knowledge.

Would you trust an attorney you knew pulled such stunts?

And during the election campaign, the continued way she tried to snow Black voters into believing that she cared about their interests with boldfaced lies that the Journal easily unraveled.

So when it came time to endorse for the 2008 elections, what did this newspaper advise its readers?

''Boseman, through her actions, behavior and complete disregard for her Black constituents these past four years, is someone we strongly feel never has deserved the trust and support of the African-American community.''

So please forgive us, those of you who supported Julia Boseman, if we just simply end this with a justified, ''We told you so!''

But one more thing, and you can take this to the bank.

The saga of Julia Boseman is nowhere near over, not by a longshot.

We still haven't heard from the state Board of Elections regarding its probe into the signature forgeries, which are felonies.

Boseman has to make good on a lot of promises she made to Black folks if she were reelected.

And, there's still plenty of time for a halfway decent attorney to contact that family Boseman stiffed out of their home.

After all, there's no better way to end a sad, sad story of a bad, bad person, than with a big, big lawsuit!

Don't you agree?


Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Boseman's Thanksgiving Vacation

By the time Mrs. and Mrs. Boseman return from their holiday in the tropics, the Castillo family just might be in a homeless shelter.

A good point was brought up in an earlier post in regards to "off-shore" accounts. Perhaps someone will be following the Bosemen to the Bahamas, documenting their every move. Perhaps there will be a bounty on a photo or two. I figure $5,000 would more than cover expenses.

I'll donate the left over money to the Castillo's defense fund.

Plane ticket - $600
Hotel - $2,500
New Bikini - $65
Drinks - $150
Food - $300
Gratuity - $200

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Boseman's Football

So how can Boseman help this family out of the jam she placed them into? She can't. Someone else will buy the property on December 4th on the courthouse steps and there won't be anything anyone can do about it. The Castillo's will be thrown out on the streets by Sheriff Ingram.

You can call RCB Centura who holds the mortgage. Contact the bank's attorneys in Rocky Mount,
and you can try talking Sheriff Ingram into giving the family some time before he kicks them out of their house. Chicago's Cook County Sheriff suspended enforcing foreclosures because of just such circumstances.

You can also contact the news media all over the state to make sure they know what is going on.

Be sure to tell them that Miss Julia sees this as a political football, "WWAY did talk with Senator Boseman about the situation. She said, “I am pretty confident it's going to be worked out with the bank. You know it's unfortunate to use their life as a political ball. I think they don't appreciate that and I don't either.”"

I believe she has to be the worst person in the world.

By the way, anyone notice the pictures both WWAY and WECT have of the property? If you'll look closely you will see that it is raining. These video images were taken PRIOR to election day. They held the story!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

This Can't Be Right

The Wilmington Star News reports that the Columbus County Board of Elections, at the 11th hour, counted 13,000 absentee ballots that pushed RC Soles over Bettie Fennell in the race for senate.
The change happened because more than 13,000 absentee ballots were counted and entered into Columbus County’s system at 11:02 p.m., Elections Director Carla Strickland said.

In a county with only 24,000 total votes cast how is it that 13,000 of them are absentee ballots?

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Boseman Squeaks By!

The Amy Winehouse of North Carolina politics barely overcomes the gentlemanly Michael Lee by riding the Messianic coattails of Barack Obama. Lee, a relatively dark horse fell victim to the hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of advertising and influence dumped up the poop shoot of Boseman by the State Democratic Party where it turned her crap into gold. Just goes to show you it takes money to buy an election.

Boseman - Bank Fraud?

Deeds posted at show that Senator Boseman financed property after she sold it to the Castillos. The deed dated 2/28/05 shows that Boseman owed $38,000 to RCB Centura.

Did Boseman commit bank fraud when she obtained the loan? It would seem that when you finance property you don't own but claim to own it you have misrepresented ownership. On February 28, 2005 Boseman did not own the property, the Castillo's did. Boseman was the note holder.

See documents here

Monday, November 3, 2008

Boseman Sold Property in Foreclosure

Don't you just know there are thousands of Boseman voters wishing they could take their vote back? Payments of over $650 every month by a poor immigrant to Julia Boseman weren't used to pay off Boseman's debt on the property, instead Boseman used the money to pay her mortgage on her million dollar Landfall house. On December 4th the family of the man making those $650 payments could be out on the street.

Hey Julia, why not invite the Castillos to come live with you since they helped pay for it. I dare ya!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Boseman Sizzles in Hardcore XXX Action

We all know if a man were to cheat on his wife, cheat on his mistress, threaten an ex-lover to keep her mouth shut or he would "make her life a living hell" AND if this guy was a senator, or any elected official for that matter, he would be history.

And yet the womanizing, drug user, lying and cheating senator from Wilmington has a good possibility to win her bid for re-election.

Check this youtube video out about how dishonest the senator is.

Boseman's Financial Problems Effect Poor Latino Family in Brunswick County

Seems that property Senator Boseman received as payment from a drug dealer she represented was sold in 2005. The home located at 2096 Old Mill Creek Road SE in Winnabow was sold to Javiere Castillo and financed by Boseman for a downpayment along with monthly payments made to Boseman of principle, interest and mortgage insurance. The deed was never turned over to Castillo, instead this past spring it was turned over to Sen. Boseman's partner Crystal Medlin when Boseman began hiding all of her property because of Boseman's massive financial problems. In Brunswick County Superior Court, a hearing is scheduled for Nov. 13 on the property at 2096 Old Mill Creek Road SE in Winnabow. Court records show Boseman owes about $40,000 on that property. That property is scheduled for sale Dec. 10 at the Brunswick County Courthouse in Bolivia. Boseman and Medlin are both listed on the foreclosure documents.

The family that bought the house found that the property was in foreclosure by reading an article in the Wilmington Star News.

The family living there consists of 3 generations of Castillo's and all may be out on the streets shortly unless something is done immediately.

Senator Boseman was unable to be reached in her million dollar home in Landfall.

More on this later.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Boseman's October Surprise!

Better late than never my mother always said.

Julia Boseman was caught in a love triangle between herself, her law partner and her law partner's "life partner" The law partner threatened to expose the affair to Julia's "life partner" Melissa Jarrels. Julia was not only mixed up in the sexual affairs (plural, as in many) she was in the middle of an illegal adoption process swearing that she was a good faithful wife or husband to Ms. Jarrels. When the law partner threatened to expose the affair, Boseman called and left this phone message on the partner's voice mail.

"I've spoken with local and state law enforcement... I will have your law license from you, and follow you around the rest of your life doing whatever I can to make your life a living hell."

Boseman also threatened to withhold money owed until after the adoption is finalized to insure her silence.

The law partner's "life partner," who was also sharing the bed with Senator Boseman, attempted suicide after the affairs were initially uncovered. The responding law enforcement officer to the attempted suicide call is currently the senator's "wife."

Michael Lee's campaign has released a 30 second commercial about this and I'm sure will take several "low blow" accusations. But come on people, this is about the character of the person you have representing you in Raleigh. Seriously don't any of the following matter to those thinking about voting for her?

Sen. Boseman has admitted under sworn testimony that she used illegal drugs while serving as an elected official (drugs she had to buy to use), and, to date, has never called your office to inform you of the names and locations of such drug dealers as to avoid harm to other citizens - or children - in our community; and,

Sen. Boseman has admitted under sworn testimony of an alcohol abuse habit. Yet, Sen. Boseman has not confirmed that her alcohol abuse habit has been arrested; and,

Sen. Boseman has admitted under sworn testimony that she lied to a Court investigator as to her relationships with various sexual partners and her relationship during a Court proceeding trying to ascertain the "best interests of a minor child" for adoption; and,

Sen. Boseman admitted under sworn testimony of violating specific terms of a Custody Order put in place by the Court to protect the "best interests of a minor child"; and,

Sen. Boseman has admitted to local media that she knowingly did not pay her property taxes; and,

Sen. Boseman, according to the State Board of Elections, is currently under investigation for known forgery of election documents.

And Sen. Boseman, according to court testimony, frequently uses the vulgar word "nigger" when talking about African-Americans.

This is the final straw, has to be.

Or is it?

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Boseman Campaign Commercials Produced Outside The State

"The film industry is vital to the economy of our state, especially in southeastern North Carolina. By extending these tax credits and expanding some of them, we will continue to attract big productions, independent films, and television series that create jobs within North Carolina and promote our state in a positive light." Senator Julia Boseman's 7/08/08 press release.

Senator Boseman's claim to local fame is her push to gain legislative support for the North Carolina film industry yet when it comes to her own campaign Boseman hired an out of state production company to create her television advertisements. Ads that tout her accomplishments in bringing jobs to the local film community. Ads produced by a Washington, DC company which also did work for Kay Hagan.

Senator Boseman spent $33,897 this past quarter with a company that one would assume pays taxes outside of this state. (she also spent almost $95,000 printing and mailing with another out of state company) Sure there were a few local crew members utilized as laborers but that's not where the money went. It went out of state. I'm sure with a google search or by talking with people in the State's professional film community one would find that there are local and state production companies capable of producing these commercials and capable of doing Kay Hagan's as well. Yet if we believe these out of state produced commercials making claims that Julia is the champion of all things local when it comes to the film industry, we ignore the struggling film workers donating their money to her campaign, money which was paid to a company in DC. And it is Julia Boseman that called on an out-of-state company to produce her campaign commercials breaking the trust hundreds of film workers. She was the pit bull they relied upon to keep it local, my God she even enacted a highly controversial taxpayer incentive Bill then pays other people outside this sate to do her commercials. So what did Julia do? She gave work away instead of helping to feed those who helped get her elected. Sort of like her calling her African American constituents the "N" word. Leading by example? Being honest? Shameful.

Click image

So far, Boseman says the effect on her district has been easy to see. A man recently approached her at an event at Screen Gems and thanked her for making it possible for him to find work that lets him stay with his family. "It's been very rewarding to me to help bring jobs back home that we had lost," she says. Indyweek

"It's a great state," NC Film Commissioner Aaron Lee Syrett says of North Carolina. "They (NC) have a deep infrastructure, and that's one of the things that really excite me." He says the incentive package "just shows me the state's commitment to this industry." Indyweek

"And it was Julia who wrote and passed laws to help our film industry right here in Wilmington."
Jason Rosin
IATSE 491 Local Union
Wilmington, NC
Star News

This is going to be very bad for morale for the film community, because people are seriously going to be looking at living elsewhere..." said Bill Vassar of Screen Gems. Wilmington Star News

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Both Boseman and Soles Under Investigation?

“What we’re concerned about is…the treasurer, by statute, has the responsibility of complying with [and] ensuring that the disclosure reports are true and accurate,” Strach told The Wilmington Journal exclusively Monday. “They sign that under a penalty of perjury, so we are certainly interested in making sure that that, in fact, has occurred.”

If the treasurer is saying that [she] didn’t sign that report, we want to make sure that first of all, we want to find out who did, and we want to find out if the contents of that report are true and accurate,” Strach continued, adding, “There may be some other criminal violations that are not of a criminal finance nature.” Kim Westbrook-Strach, deputy director of Campaign Reporting for the NCBOE,

Both Senator Boseman and Senator Soles say they are not under an investigation. Senator Boseman is being investigated by the Board of Elections because of a complaint regarding the forged signatures on campaign finance documents. Senator Soles may be under investigation for anything from vote tampering to accepting bribes depending on who you listen to in the rumor mill, that's because of the federal government's policy not issue either a confirmation or a denial and the Grand Jury is sworn to secrecy.

WWAY has looked into the RC Soles story and has interviewed three people called to testify in front of a Grand Jury regarding Senator Soles.

According to WRAL Julia Boseman has admitted to forging her campaign treasurer's signature, with permission.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Sen. Boseman must be back on the pipe to be this stupid

Perhaps one of the most bizarre acts by a candidate in an election has to be Senator Boseman's sponsoring a tour of homes under foreclosure when she herself has had millions in property foreclosed on her for failing to make payments.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Boy Trouble

WWAY has been on Senator RC Soles sore bottom since they were first handed a report regarding Sen. Soles beating a kid off with his shoe and then attempting to run him over. The police did not charge Sen. Soles but instead charged a 16 year old boy with stealing a light bulb from the Senator and later charged the kid with blackmailing the Senator. The boy, a 16 year old kid with some troubles that the good senator helped to deal with, told the senator that he would go to the news with stories that would ruin the senator's career. The Senator had the kid, Allen Strickland, arrested and the kid said, "see you in prison" So apparently the kid is talking about first hand knowledge of criminal behavior committed by the Senator and not just juicy porno tapes or pictures incriminating the Senator in some gay sex act.

Betty Fennell, retired investigative reporter and the senator's opponent, went to a campaign breakfast the senator held in Pender County yesterday to ask him in front of the media if the senator can confirm or deny whether or not the senator is under a federal grand jury investigation and whether or not he told Senator Mark Basnight he would be under indictment after the election. Senator Soles didn't not confirm or deny, he did counter accuse Fennell of contacting the 16 yr old Strickland and offering him money for information. A charge Fennell flat out denied.

All this will soon come out but in the meantime the Wilmington Star News in their report of this event held at the N.C. Cooperative Extension in Burgaw, at 801 S. Walker St. said,
In a news release sent later in the day, Soles said, "I came here today to hear from concerned citizens. Anyone who takes time from their day to come and share their thoughts with representatives of their state government should be commended, and I wish my political opponent would have thought better than to impede what I considered to be my community office hours for her own political purposes."

But Fennell said Soles was the one using the county space and time to campaign, as there were campaign stickers passed out to constituents during the meeting.

"Clearly this is a political event held in a county building," she said. "I think this sort of thing should be stopped."
Is campaigning on government property permitted? Can a candidate for for Judge or DA go into the courthouse and hand out bumper stickers without being in violation of the NC Election Laws? Someone will have to look that up for me because I can't find it.

If it is a violation then both Sen. Boseman and Sen. Soles will be under investigation at the same time.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

RC and a Moonpie

I know a guy whose father swears that when he was 16 years old he was hitch hiking to Raleigh when he got picked up and hit on by some legislator. This was back in the 70's and his trendy long hair and bell bottom hip huggers made him target for half full cans of beer from time to time as he stood roadside stoned and anxious to jump in a car, any car as he bummed rides from strangers. As he tells the story he was on Hwy 421 in the middle of nowhere with his thumb out when a white Lincoln with a State House of Representatives license tag pulled over and stopped. The 16 year old opened the door nervously to sit in the important persons car and accept his offer to take the him all the way to Raleigh.

During the first few tepid minutes driver and hitch hiker sat quietly then the driver with his effeminate posturing asked if the hitch hiker followed politics. The legislator talked about his job in the House and how it is good to have someone accompany him on the long drive. The two became chatty, Nixon or whoever the devil was at that time became a focus of conversation. Soon this driver asked if the hitch hiker was a liberal. "Sure" replied the hitch hiker, "Absolutely." The driver smiled and asked real queer like, "You know what liberal means?"

Now this hitch hiker knew a thing or two about homosexuals. He was often hit on by truckers and other men as he hitched around the state, so he knew where this conversation was headed, but he also knew he didn't want to walk from Cherry Grove to Raleigh either so he played along.

"Yeah liberal means you are against the war, you smoke pot and resist authority."

The driver laughed, almost giggled at this 16 year old's answer.

" A liberal is a person that allows others to be free to be themselves. It is about sharing new experiences, exploring all aspects of life."

Such a clever man, no wonder he is a politician thought the hitch hiker. "Want to get high?" he asked the driver.

"I've never smoked marijuana" the clever politician said. "You ever let a man suck your dick?"

The 16 year old readied his clenched fist. He had punched one or two drivers before, not because they were homosexual but because they scared the shit out of him. John Wayne Gacy or someone had just been in the news where bodies of hitch hiking teens were found under his house and the hitcher wasn't going to go without a fight. But this man wasn't like the truck drivers or the traveling salesmen that smelled like bourbon and had that look about them that scared you the second you saw them. No, this man was a lawmaker, a statesman and maybe to a paranoid mind might call the highway patrol after letting you out telling them you had drugs and a 16 year old might get thrown in some hicktown jail to end up getting buggered and killed anyway, so hitcher decided to be nice.

For the next 45 minutes or so the hitcher had to endure silly sexual innuendos and slight of hand self stimulation as the driver made his way to Raleigh. The hitcher thanked the driver and thanked God for not being molested and they departed company.

The longtime public servant RC Soles of Tabor City has recently become something of a silly old man lately as boys creeping from the closet have come out to harass the elder statesman with threats of going to the WWAY reporter Ann McAdams and political opponent what's her name, Betty Fennel with tales of sexcapades that would make Boy George blush.

RC Soles political career was created by the Tabor City newspaper as a favor to the old man Soles. Then as time goes by Soles becomes more and more influential. But RC is something like 80 and his dad's close to 100 (not really but close) and soon that piece of the puzzle won't be worth much anymore. Besides Soles has been getting out of hand lately with all the arsons and boys gone wild running from courthouses and stuff have made him sort of a joke in the barbershops and hallways. His last election was by all accounts a squeaker and this newest one may turn out to be just as tough.

The newspaper man that created RC has money in the Boseman campaign. Hundreds of thousands of dollars. I'm serious. The Carter family is a huge supporter of Senator Boseman. Now is Boseman RC's replacement as the puzzle piece in the Senate? She going to tote the mail for power brokers in Southeastern North Carolina?

I wonder if RC ever drove a white Lincoln. I wonder how many hitch hikers there are or have been over the past 30 years or more. I wonder how the FBI was able to target RC in the COLCOR operation and why did they think he would appreciate a thin gold bracelet as a token of appreciation. And I wonder if there was a gold bracelet wrapped around the wrist of the driver to go along with "girlie" finger nails the hitch hiker remembers so vividly. I'm sure there was at one time down the road.

(COLCOR or Columbus County Corruption took place while Governor Mike Easley was the District Attorney of Bladen, Brunswick and Columbus County in 1983)

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Senator Boseman - Liar Loans


A category of mortgages known as low-documentation or no-documentation mortgages that have been abused to the point where the loans are sometimes referred to as liar loans. On certain low-documentation loan programs, such as stated income/stated asset (SISA) loans, income and assets are simply stated on the loan application. On other loan programs, such as no income/no asset (NINA) loans, no income and assets are given on the loan application form. These loan programs open the door for unethical behavior by unscrupulous borrowers and lenders.

These loan programs are designed for borrowers who have a hard time producing income and asset verifying documents, such as prior tax returns, or who have untraditional sources of income, such as tips, or a personal business. These loans are called liar loans because the SISA or NINA features open the door for abuse when borrowers or their mortgage brokers or loan officers overstate income and/or assets in order to qualify the borrower for a larger mortgage.

Low-documentation mortgages usually fall into the Alt-A category of mortgage lending. Alt-A lending depends heavily on a borrower's credit score (FICO score) and the mortgage's loan-to-value ratio (LTV) as tools to determine the borrower's ability to repay the mortgage.

Trustee - A third party appointed to represent the investors’ interests in a
securitization. The trustee ensures that the securitization operates as set forth
in the securitization documents, which may include determinations about the
servicer’s compliance with established servicing criteria.

A lot of people are in dire financial straights because they got sucked into what is now being called the mortgage crisis.

Now that the problem is being examined carefully, a lot of fraud is being blamed as being a contributing factor to the entire mess. The problem is that the fraud aspect of the mortgage crisis is hardly over. Mortgage scams designed to take advantage of people in financial trouble are flooding the Internet and even the classified section of local newspapers.

Mortgage fraudsters for the most part don’t have a conscience and could care less if they steal from your grandparents, neighbors or you!

The FBI, who has put more than a few of these people behind bars in recent history is using the intelligence gathered in their investigations to reach out to the public on how to avoid becoming conned with promises of a new beginning, or rescue from their current dilemna.

“And while some of these steps may require you to do a little extra work now in the long run it may save you aggravation, money, and even your house,” according to Special Agent Scott Broshears, a mortgage fraud supervisor with the FBI.

The first recommendation is to get referrals and then check out the licenses of real estate and mortgage professionals with government (state and local) regulatory agencies.

They also recommend that you do your own research on what homes have been sold for in your area. Checking out tax assessments is one way to do this.

Beware of too good to be true mortgage deals, especially using a no money down gimmick.

Never let anyone talk you into making a false statement on a mortgage application. This is how a lot of people ended up with mortgages they couldn’t afford in the first place.

Don’t sign a blank document or a document with blank lines. Something could be added later. Read everything thoroughly and if you don’t understand everything completely get legal assistance.

Don’t get conned into paying an upfront fee to get out of mortgage trouble. Be especially wary if these solicitations come from e-mail or web advertisements. You will likely be out the up-front fee and in the same boat as before you paid for the assistance.

In more sophisticated upfront (advance) fee schemes involving foreclosure fraud, victims are even talked into signing over their property. The victim loses the upfront fee, their house and still owes their mortgage when this occurs. Advance fee fraud has been around for centuries and is merely a false promise of something that is too good to be true in return for an advanced payment.

On a final note, the FBI recommends that if you are facing foreclosure, the best thing to do is to see if your lender will work for you.

Agent Broshears and the men and women working with him have seen their case-load with mortgage fraud triple in the recent past. By sharing these tips, learned from real life investigations, they hope to make their job easier and see a few less people victimized by this growing phenomenon.

If you need more information on mortgage fraud, the FBI has a page on their site dedicated to this subject.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Sen Boseman's Bill Would Kill Children Says Governor

In only the 9th time since being Governor, NC Gov. Mike Easley stuck down the Bill proposed by Sen. Boseman by vetoing it Sunday, the day before Sen. Boseman's fake fundraiser in Raleigh.

The Bill Easley sacked would have allowed anyone with a drivers license to tow a 9 and a half foot wide boat on the roadways, a ten foot boat on weekends and holidays. Currently the law requires that any boat over 96 inches, any boat over eight and a half feet requires a special permit. Meaning someone with a CDL.

The Bill pushed into law has little effect on the Sunday recreational boater. This Bill would have loosened regulations on the boating industry. Can you imagine this law being in effect for the transportation of mobile homes?

But worse would be the dangers the Bill would create by allowing Joe Boater to wrench his huge houseboat out of the water after a day on the lake, swilling down a few, stacking the boat to his thread worn tires on his rusty old work trailer, ratchet strapping it down and driving it 55, 65, 70 MPH down the highway. Easley told Boseman he wanted blood alcohol levels down to .04 for people towing these mammoth boats up to 10 feet wide but she failed to include it, didn't want to hinder the freedom of those wanting to "get'er done!".

Easley didn't like the Bill, he claimed it was dangerous, in fact he said

"I sincerely believe that this bill puts families at risk on the highways and would result in death or serious injury,"

and this

"I am deeply concerned about 9 1/2-foot boats meeting a school bus,"

Currently, permits are required for boat-trailer combinations more than 8 1/2 feet wide, and the boats cannot be towed on Sundays or holidays or at night.

Easley urged the General Assembly to take up the measure again in January "when there is time to thoughtfully avoid the consequences of this bill."

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Senator Boseman One of a Kind

The Wilmington Journal
is still on Senator Boseman's behind jabbing a pointy stick in the fleshy meat and drawing a bit of blood because the senator has promised and failed to deliver loyalty to those African Americans who pushed her over, beating Woody White in an extremely close election. With 40% of Boseman's votes coming from the black community, Sen. Boseman repays them by using the "N-word" around a child living in her home.

I was watching the show Boondocks this week, in the show a white teacher uses the word "nigga" as he addressed a black kid. Perhaps Julia's reason for using the word has to do with a belief that she considers herself (nearly) black because she can "identify" with vocal hate against African Americans by being a lesbian (dyke), the (I was born gay) discrimination and can justify the use of the word "nigga" instead of "nigger" as a term of hip association. "Bitch you always be my nigga!"

This week, the Journal has once again reported on the "N-word" issue by interviewing one of Boseman's ex-partner's attorneys.

"[Ms. Dunn] knew that unless someone was willing to testify about what their concerns were, and what the fears were for [Boseman's adopted child], that the court would not be aware of that information. It wasn't easy for [Dunn], and she has every reason, really, to not participate because of her loyalties and her friendships with Ms. Boseman. But she did it because she felt like it was the right thing to do for [the child]."

On cross-examination with Boseman's attorney, Jim Lea, Dunn maintained that Boseman uttered racial slurs, that "Melissa always got on her about it," and Boseman "thinks she's better than black people"

If attorney Lea was trying to disprove Dunn's sworn allegations against his client, his cross-examination, according to the court transcript, only helped to enhance Dunn's contention.

Attorney Fritscher said the numerous use of racial slurs by Boseman in front of the minor child was just "one of [Dunn's concerns." Dunn also gave sworn testimony during the child custody trial that Sen. Boseman would also drive after drinking excessively.

Fritscher said Boseman's erratic behavior "several times had come up in my conversations with Melissa in terms of things [Boseman] would say in front of the child that Melissa thought was disturbing."

Fritscher said Jarrell alleged that her former companion used "all offensive language" around the child.

"Melissa would not expose the child, or have anyone else expose the child in that way. She wouldn't tolerate it. That's not how she raises [the child]."

When asked if she was surprised by the allegations of foul language from Sen. Boseman around the child, attorney Fritscher replied, "I was taken aback for a number of reasons, but also not shocked in terms of what I already knew to be concerns about Ms. Boseman."

But then, almost as soon as she said that she wasn't shocked, attorney Fritscher then immediately amended her comment.

"I was shocked that took place in front of the child," Fritscher said declaratively.

Fritscher said Bobbie Lou Dunn had nothing to gain by getting involved in the Boseman-Jarrell trial.

In fact, the young woman had a lot to lose.

"Ms. Dunn is in a same-sex partnership; she has children with her partner, and she was the non-biological parent of those children, so there were some legal repercussions in this case that could have affected her legal status negatively, and yet she still felt like it was important enough to testify about her concerns," Fritscher said.

I find it disturbing that John Edwards can admit to cheating on his dying wife and Boseman can't admit to saying a racial slur.

Raise your hand if any of you have NEVER intentionally said a racial slur in a mean spirited manner. Only one hand? Okay Senator Boseman is the ONLY person in the room that never said the word nigger.

Saturday, August 9, 2008


According to the Wilmington Journal's consistently breaking news coverage regarding the Sen. Boseman saga a campaign fundraiser will be held August 18th at the home of Joyce Fitzpatrick in Raleigh. Fitzpatrick is one of the south's most well respected public relations professionals. She was inducted into the UNC School of Journalism's Public Relations Hall of Fame in 2000.

She (Fitzpatrick) is recognized as a specialist in crisis and change communications. InsidePR magazine named Fitzpatrick a PR All-Star for her employee communications work at IBM Corp. in 1992. She was named a Distinguished Young Alumna at UNC in 1995, ranked among the Triangle's Most Powerful Women by Triangle Business Journal in 1996, and elected to the YWCA of Wake County's Academy of Women in 1997. UNC press release

Fitzpatrick also represented top NC Lobbyist and recently humiliated scumbag, Don Beason as he tried to wiggle out of his participation in the Jim Black cartel. Beason was the person that "loaned" Jim Black $500,000.

The 70 something year old and crotchety Beason was found guilty recently of simple assault, ending his trial on a more serious charge of assault with a firearm for brandishing a gun during a traffic confrontation July 6.

Wake County Chief District Court Judge Joyce Hamilton ruled in Beason's non-jury trial after a day of testimony. She sentenced Beason to 100 hours of community service and continued judgment for 12 months, which would allow Beason to apply to have the conviction vacated then.

Beason had been charged with assault with a firearm.

In court, Jason Batten said he and his fiancee, Chrisy Tellis, were driving to a gas station on Oberlin Road to get some headache medicine when his vehicle was in front of Beason's pickup at a stop light. He said Beason pressed down on the truck's horn for a long period of time then jumped out brandishing a weapon because he was irritated.

Beason's protege' and fellow lobbyist, Theresa Kostrzewa is the same lobbyist that Sen. Boseman bunked with while staying in Raleigh during session. Of course it was all legal because Boseman supposedly paid the lobbyist of the pork, video poker and payday lenders, $50 a night for the privilege. But what might not be legal is the level of participation TK has with this "fundraiser" because in the email sent out by the Boseman campaign the lobbyist appears to be the RSVP contact person and not the party supposedly hosting the fundraiser.

email from Boseman campaign

Now bare with me. You have one of the south's top PR people who specializes in spinning troublesome situations supposedly holding a fundraiser for a troubled senator but the contact person is a lobbyist. If the Journal's investigative reporter Cash Michaels didn't verify this 3 times I wouldn't believe it. In fact I would bet this would have been about as believable as John Edwards affair story in the National Enquirer. But it is true. So why is it important?

This announcement, and it was an announcement, was to alert the Democrats that Sen. Boseman has no intention of stepping down. The "Faux" fundraiser is just days before the cut-off to replace her on the ballot and the Boseman camp's PR team is sending a strong message that they will not go quietly. In fact they rub the lobbyist name into the face of those who dare question it so that the announcement "has legs."

Ballsy move on the senator's part. Don't know if it will win her the election but it will make those democrats putting pressure on her to resign back off.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Bikini Patrol

Last week a woman clad in a bikini top was riding shotgun in a WPD detective's city issued vehicle. Was this a vice arrest by this medlin(ing) detective or a friendly passenger?

The use of government property for personal use can be considered embezzlement. Surely the gasoline used is paid for by the city, the wear and tear paid for by the city. It is a company car and the insurance/liability issues created by using the car for personal reasons violates the law. Surely it violated the public trust and policy.


North Carolina General Statutes § 14-90. Embezzlement of property received by virtue of office or employment.
If any person exercising a public trust or holding a public office, or any guardian,administrator, executor, trustee, or any receiver, or any other fiduciary, or any officer or agent of a corporation, or any agent, consignee, clerk, bailee or servant, except persons under the age of 16 years, of any person, shall embezzle or fraudulently or knowingly and willfully misapply or convert to his own use, or shall take, make away with or secrete, with intent to embezzle or fraudulently or knowingly and willfully misapply or convert tohis own use any money, goods or other chattels, bank note, check or order for the payment of money issued by or drawn on any bank or other corporation, or any treasury warrant, treasury note, bond or obligation for the payment of money issued by the United States or by any state, or any other valuable security whatsoever belonging to any otherperson or corporation, unincorporated association or organization which shall have comeinto his possession or under his care, he shall be guilty of a felony. If the value of the property is one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000) or more, the person is guilty of a Class C felony. If the value of the property is less than one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000), the person is guilty of a Class H felony. (21 Hen. VII, c. 7; 1871-2, c. 145, s. 2; Code, s. 1014; 1889, c. 226; 1891, c. 188; 1897, c. 31; Rev., s. 3406; 1919, c. 97, s. 25; C.S., s. 4268; 1931, c. 158; 1939, c. 1; 1941, c. 31; 1967, c. 819; 1979, c. 760, s. 5; 1979,2nd Sess., c. 1316, s. 47; 1981, c. 63, s. 1; c. 179, s. 14; 1997-443, s. 19.25(d).)

NCGS § 14-91. Embezzlement of State property by public officers and employees.
If any officer, agent, or employee of the State, or other person having or holding intrust for the same any bonds issued by the State, or any security, or other property and effects of the same, shall embezzle or knowingly and willfully misapply or convert the same to his own use, or otherwise willfully or corruptly abuse such trust, such offender and all persons knowingly and willfully aiding and abetting or otherwise assisting therein shall be guilty of a felony. If the value of the property is one hundred thousand dollars($100,000) or more, a violation of this section is a Class C felony. If the value of the property is less than one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000), a violation of this section is a Class F felony. (1874-5, c. 52; Code, s. 1015; Rev., s. 3407; C.S., s. 4269; 1979, c. 716; c. 760, s. 5; 1979, 2nd Sess., c. 1316, s. 47; 1981, c. 63, s. 1; c. 179, s. 14; 1997-443,s. 19.25(e).)

NCGS § 14-92. Embezzlement of funds by public officers and trustees. If an officer, agent, or employee of an entity listed below, or a person having or holding money or property in trust for one of the listed entities, shall embezzle or otherwise willfully and corruptly use or misapply the same for any purpose other than that for which such moneys or property is held, such person shall be guilty of a felony. If the value of the money or property is one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000) or more, the person is guilty of a Class C felony. If the value of the money or property is less thanone hundred thousand dollars ($100,000), the person is guilty of a Class F felony. If any clerk of the superior court or any sheriff, treasurer, register of deeds or other public officer of any county, unit or agency of local government, or local board of education shall embezzle or wrongfully convert to his own use, or corruptly use, or shall misapply for any purpose other than that for which the same are held, or shall fail to pay over and deliver to the proper persons entitled to receive the same when lawfully required so to do, any moneys, funds, securities or other property which such officer shall have received by virtue or color of his office in trust for any person or corporation, such officer shall be guilty of a felony. If the value of the money, funds, securities, or other property is one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000) or more, the person is guilty of a Class C felony. If the value of the money, funds, securities, or other property is less than one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000), the person is guilty of a Class F felony. The provisions of this section shall apply to all persons who shall go out of office and fail or neglect to account to or deliver over to their successors in office or other persons lawfully entitled to receive the same all such moneys, funds and securities or property aforesaid. The following entities are protected by this section: a county, a city or other unit or agency of local government, a local board of education, and a penal, charitable, religious, or educational institution. (1876-7, c. 47; Code, s. 1016; 1891, c. 241; Rev., s. 3408; C.S., s.4270; 1979, c. 760, s. 5; 1979, 2nd Sess., c. 1316, s. 47; 1981, c. 63, s. 1; c. 179, s. 14; 1985, c. 509, s. 3; 1993, c. 539, s. 1177; 1994, Ex. Sess., c. 24, s. 14(c); 1997-443, s. 19.25(f).)

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Who is Don Adkins?

Donald E. Adkins serves on the NHRMC Foundation Board as Treasurer. He also signed Senator Boseman's campaign finance quarterly report in July 2006. There is no documentation regarding his appointment or his resignation to the post.

I wonder how soon Mr. Adkins will be talking to the NC Board of Elections.

I also wonder if he is concerned with being charged with perjury.

On April 24, 2006 Boseman forged her campaign treasurer's signature to the same quarterly campaign finance report.

On October 14, 2006 an amended report was sent to the BOE with no signature.

What was wrong with that report that caused it to be amended 3 times?

Friday, August 1, 2008

Sen. Boseman, there will be no mercy!

The most damning evidence Senator Trainwreck is facing is her own arrogance. She will choke on her own words, she will slip and fall on the number of illegal campaign finance violations that will bury her. This forest fire that has begun will be a hell storm thanks to the fuel Mizz Boseman has poured along her trail as she pukes one lie after another in the direction of idiots that give her the benefit of the doubt. But these idiots will soon see the light as the fire becomes unbearable.

I would hope that all of you have read the Wilmington Journal's editorial and the Star News editorial.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Senator's Goose is in the Oven

The former Democratic strategist who investigated and exposed the campaign finance violations that ultimately put both state House Speaker Jim Black and NC House Rep. Thomas Wright in prison, told The Wilmington Journal first and exclusively Wednesday that he is calling on the NC State Board of Elections [NCBOE], the Wake County District Attorney, and the NC State Bar to investigate Sen. Julia Boseman’s claims that she had permission to forge the name of her former campaign treasurer on legal campaign disclosure documents in direct violation of state law.

And Sen. Boseman had to know better, Joe Sinsheimer, the political watchdog who brought both Black and Wright down, maintains. Not only is she a licensed attorney, but Boseman actually voted at least five times to pass the law in the state Senate just last year, after she served on the Senate committee which debated it prior to passage.

That law, NC General Statute 163-278.32, clearly states that the campaign treasurer’s signature on a campaign finance disclosure report “…shall be certified as true and correct to the best of the knowledge of the …treasurer.”

The statute adds, “A certification under this Article shall be treated as under oath, and any person making a certification under this Article knowing the information to be untrue is guilty of a Class I felony.”

According to the structured sentencing chart of the NC criminal courts system, punishment for the low-level Class I felony is a minimum of three months community punishment, and a maximum of eight months with no prior criminal record.

Read the rest of this article by going to the Wilmington Journal website or buying a paper. Call them and say thanks!

Monday, July 28, 2008

Sen. Boseman investigated for forgery

The Wilmington Journal broke the news that the NC Board of Elections is investigating allegations made by the one time treasurer of the Boseman campaign that her signatures on several campaign finance reports are not hers. As a result of the breaking news the Journal's website has been shut down by hackers.

Senator Boseman has said to WRAL that she (Boseman) had the treasurer's permission to do so because the treasurer was too busy to sign the forms. Forms that hold the treasurer accountable under the penalty of perjury.

QUESTION: Why forge the treasurer's name when the law allows the candidate to sign her own name to the report?

A candidate may appoint himself or any other individual, including any relative except his spouse, as his treasurer, and, upon failure to file report designating a treasurer, the candidate shall be concluded to have appointed himself as treasurer and shall be required to personally fulfill the duties and responsibilities imposed upon the appointed treasurer and subject to the penalties and sanctions hereinafter provided. NCGS 163-278.7

Next thing to look into:

There is no signature at all on this report.

Don E. Adkins served as Boseman's campaign finance treasurer on the report filed 7/09/06. Where is his certification of treasurer? Is this where it is supposed to be?

The Wilmington Journal
Originally posted 7/28/2008

The Wilmington Journal has first and exclusively confirmed that Melissa Jarrell, the natural mother of state Sen. Julia Boseman’s adopted son and former companion, has filed an official complaint with the NC State Board of Elections (NCBOE) alleging that her name was “misused and forged” on at least eight campaign finance disclosure reports for Boseman’s campaign while Jarrell served as her treasurer.

If the allegations are proved true, the result “maybe” a criminal felony prosecution, a state BOE official confirms.

And the explosive allegations didn‘t stop there. Jarrell, the former UNC-Wilmington Women’s Softball coach who broke up with Sen. Boseman in 2006 and recently accused her of violating their joint custody agreement, added that Boseman made changes to property documents that they jointly owned “without my knowledge.”

According to a copy of the complaint to Kim Westbrook-Strach, deputy director of Campaign Reporting for the NCBOE - obtained Monday by The Journal and dated July 28, 2008 - Ms. Jarrell says she is even willing to “make a sworn statement as to the facts and testify if need be.”

“Without my knowledge Senator Boseman made changes in property documents that we jointly owned,” Jarrell wrote in her complaint to Westbrook-Strach. “This concerns me that anything found improper in the North Carolina Board of Elections finance reports may reflect negatively on me. So, I would like to bring this to the attention of the BOE and clear this matter up as soon as possible.”

Jarrell continued, “I have found that there have been Campaign Finance Reports filed on behalf of the Committee to Elect Julia Boseman, where my name had been misused and forged. From the NCBOE website, and out of the reports filed that could be viewed online, I have noticed that at least eight reports have my name and signature on them that have been forged.”

Candidates for statewide public office in North Carolina are required, under state law, to file quarterly campaign finance disclosure reports with the NC Elections Board to account for any fundraising and expenditures during designated periods.

Under North Carolina General Statute 163-278.8, “The treasurer of each candidate, political committee, and referendum committee shall keep detailed accounts, current within not more than seven days after the date of receiving a contribution or making an expenditure, of all contributions received and all expenditures made by or on behalf of the candidate, political committee, or referendum committee. The accounts shall include the information required by the State Board of Elections on its forms.”

Failure to comply can result in “criminal prosecution or the imposition of civil penalties.” All campaign treasurers certify their reports by signature. If the reports are found to be purposely incorrect, that treasurer could be charged with perjury.

Jarrell, who is listed as signing campaign disclosure reports as the “appointed treasurer” for Boseman from January 2004 until May 2006 during the period that the couple still lived together, then went on to list the dates that those Boseman campaign finance reports were filed as of Oct. 15, 2004; Jan. 11, 2005; July 20, 2005; Nov. 15, 2005. Jan. 27, 2006; April 24, 2006; April 20, 2006 and May 1, 2006, in that order.

Per the July 20, 2005 and April 20, 2006 reports, Jarrell indicates that she “can’t tell what the day is,” meaning that she can’t make out what date is actually written in as when the reports were completed, versus when the reports actually arrived and were stamped “received” by the NCBOE.

The Journal went online to check those reports, and indeed, as Jarrell indicated, while they were clearly marked received by the BOE campaign finance division on August 3, 2005, the date of completion is written over, looking as if both “July 20” and another July two-decimal date had been written over each other,

The “April 20, 2006” report Jarrell refers to actually appears dated “April 29, 2006.” That report was received by NCBOE on May 2, 2006

On both documents, however, the “M. Jarrell” signature does not resemble Jarrell’s actual signature on either the reports not in dispute, or the letter of July 28, 2008 complaint she sent to the NCBOE.

Towards the end of the letter, Jarrell adds, “I will be willing to make a sworn statement as to the facts and testify if need be.”

Kim Westbrook-Strach, deputy director of Campaign Reporting for the NCBOE, confirmed receipt of Ms. Jarrell’s complaint Monday, and forwarded a copy to The Journal. Under state law, that document, and subsequent notices to both Ms. Jarrell and Sen. Boseman, are considered public record.

Strach indicated that Sen. Boseman would be notified, in writing, as to the NCBOE being in receipt of Jarrell’s complaint.

When asked if an allegation of signature forgery on a campaign committee finance report is considered a criminal act, Strach replied, “Maybe.”

“What we’re concerned about is…the treasurer, by statute, has the responsibility of complying with [and] ensuring that the disclosure reports are true and accurate,” Strach told The Journal exclusively Monday. “They sign that under a penalty of perjury, so we are certainly interested in making sure that that, in fact, has occurred.”

“If the treasurer is saying that [she] didn’t sign that report, we want to make sure that first of all, we want to find out who did, and we want to find out if the contents of that report are true and accurate,” Strach continued, adding, “There may be some other criminal violations that are not of a criminal finance nature.”

According to NCGS 163-278.32, that treasurer’s signature on a campaign finance disclosure report “…shall be certified as true and correct to the best of the knowledge of the …treasurer.

The state statute continues, “A certification under this Article shall be treated as under oath, and any person making a certification under this Article knowing the information to be untrue is guilty of a Class I felony.”

Strach confirmed that she will be interviewing both Jarrell and Boseman to factually determine who did sign the reports in question. If the two-term District 9 Democrat disputes Jarrell charge, then evidence cold be gathered, including samples of Melissa Jarrell’s actual signature, to determine the truth, Strach said.

“Hopefully it will not take very long, the NCBOE official said. “We expect that people will be honest in their answers, and I have no reason to believe here that that will not be the case.”

“Hopefully we can get to the bottom of this in a pretty short time,” Strach assured.

The Journal called Tom Keating, Sen. Boseman’s campaign manager for comment, but the number he gave this newspaper is no longer in service.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Boseman Guilty

Civil contempt occurs when the contemnor willfully disobeys a court order. This is also called indirect contempt because it occurs outside the judge's immediate realm and evidence must be presented to the judge to prove the contempt. A civil contemnor, too, may be fined, jailed or both. The fine or jailing is meant to coerce the contemnor into obeying the court, not to punish him, and the contemnor will be released from jail just as soon as he complies with the court order. In family law, civil contempt is one way a court enforces alimony, child support, custody and visitation orders which have been violated.

Senator Boseman, in defiance of the judge's court order, took the child of Melissa Jarrell with her out of town without informing the child's mother. She was also in defiance of the judge's order allowed the child to be in the sole custody of an unauthorized person while staying with lobbyist Teresa Kostrzewa. Both of these issues were presented to the judge Wednesday.

Jim Lea, Boseman's attorney, claimed while Boseman agrees that she had violated the court order, she was unaware that she had done so, thus making it seem to be an unintentional violation. The judge heard the defense and basically agreed, however...

The judge was not fully convinced that the error should go unpunished so she ordered Boseman to pay the cost for bringing this act of defiance to the court's attention.

Now I ask you, why would a judge order an innocent person to pay the cost of bringing the charge to court?

Boseman was guilty, so says the big fat check she will have to write to prove it.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Boseman's White Lie

“I take it very seriously what my constituents have sent me to do,” Boseman later added. “Keeping my promises is most important. I guess that’s also my greatest fear.”

“She stood up to bigotry, she stood up to personal attacks and she stood up to meanness,” The Independent quoted Brian Lewis, director of development for Planned Parenthood Health Systems as saying when he introduced Boseman to a gathering then.

Ironically, three years later, Black constituents in Boseman’s district are accusing her of being guilty of exactly those things. Oh dear...

Apparently Boseman's headquarters didn't get the While You Were Out memo issued weeks ago from the Wilmington Journal demanding an audience with the reckless Senator. The question asked was simply, "Do you use the "N-word" when talking about African-Americans?" Yes or no senator, yes or no.

As mentioned before they are lining up to fill her seat over at the Democratic Headquarters. The feeling, even after the big media blitz ad campaign designed to "straighten" out her image, is that she is a weak candidate. A candidate that may jinx the election for some of those on the democratic ticket. I mean come on, 40% of all of her voters were African-American, and she called them a nigger, how do you think that is sitting right now over the kitchen table of some of Wilmington's darker skinned democrats looking at who is representing them and their concerns?

“The veteran community activist, who made it clear that she was only speaking for herself now, vows not only to skip Boseman’s name on the fall ballot again, but tell every other African-American Democrat in New Hanover County she knows, to do the same.

She didn’t do what I felt she should have [done] for my people,” longtime Wilmingtonian Sylvia Colbert told The Wilmington Journal this week. “She hasn’t done anything, as far as I can see.”

Even the State NAACP has words to say...

Boseman’s critics counter, however, that Boseman has been patronizing, at best, to the Black community, responsive instead to the big business interests in New Hanover County.

They say given her current poor record of service to her African-American constituency, it’s hard to see anyone else doing much worse.

“If your present senator had proudly and strongly lifted her fallen colleagues banners and fought for the recommendations of the [1898] Commission—ideas that have deep meaning to Black voters and their white allies in New Hanover—then the question of whether or not she did or didn’t unfortunately used the N-word would, I believe, pale in comparison to her proven commitment to her constituents,” Rev. William Barber of the state NAACP wrote in his June 30 missive to The Journal regarding Sen. Boseman’s disconnect with her Black constituents.

“Voters are human. We understand our representatives are human too. But when their commitment to our agenda is questionable, we tend to judge our servants by their utterances.”

I encourage each of you to go out and buy the latest edition of the Wilmington Journal.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Senator Boseman's 2nd Quarter Campaign Finance Report

The NC Board of Elections has just posted Senator Boseman's newest campaign report. The senator has over $100,000 in reserves to do with whatever she wishes. So far she has paid her mother $3,000 in rent and a pig farmer nearly $4,000 to rent his pig boat.


The senator used $3913.50 to "rent" the pig king's son, Dell Murphy's boat, the Wolfsea. Of course the pig farmers are represented by the same lobbyist that the senator moved in with last month.

There is no mention of any production costs, or ad buys for any of the new commercials Booseman is running on television this week.

There is mention of paying the senator's mother $1,500 a month rent for who knows what.


There were 92 donations made to the senator's campaign, over $40,000 was received. Interesting, the State Democratic Party donated an in-kind contribution of $4,358.70 for the big "fund raiser" at the felon's house.

The thousand dollar, or more, donors this quarter were:

William J. Blair III - Wrightsville Beach
David Bohnett - Beverly Hills
D. Scott Corbett- Wilmington
David L. Dickey - Wilmington
Nick Garrett- Wilmington
GAY AND LESBIAN VICTORY FUND - Washington, DC ($3,000)
Kathleen Shannon Glancy - Wilmington ($2,000)
Alex M. Hall - Wilmington
David L. Jones Sr. - (republican) Wilmington
John A. Manning - Wilmington
Russell M. Maynard - Wilmington
Ronald B. McNeill & family - (nursing home developer) Wilmington
E. W. Merritt Jr. - Wilmington
Robert Page - Greensboro
David S. Robertson - ($3,000 to date) Wilmington
Nicholas A. Saffo - Wilmington
Tommy C. Spivey - (Inman Trucking) Wilmington
William G. Vassar Jr. & family ($3,000 EUE Screen Gems Studios) Wilmington
John I. Wilson (Director of NEA) Raleigh
Lanny T. Wilson & family - Wilmington

This report included April 20th thru June 30th. The fund raiser at the felon's took place on June 24th. There were several names on the invitation listed as sponsors that do not show up on the finance report, those missing are Rusty Carter, the Tabor City link who, including family and employees, gave over $100,000 last election, District Attorney Ben David, Craig Stevens, and Raiford Trask.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Delusions of Grandeur

Noun 1. delusions of grandeur - a delusion (common in paranoia) that you are much greater and more powerful and influential than you really are
delusion, psychotic belief - (psychology) an erroneous belief that is held in the face of evidence to the contrary
megalomania - a psychological state characterized by delusions of grandeur

Senator Boseman is spending other people's money to influence public opinion for an upcoming hearing in which Boseman may very well be found to have violated a judge's specific order regarding what she can and can't do with the child she pretends to have legally adopted.

Wearing the same worn-out, poor pitiful me expression as she sat on a porch somewhere in Bedford Falls, Boseman once again tries to convince us that she is a victim of some conspiratorial attack from everywhichaway.

This is the Senator's own doing. She is the one that abandoned her home for multiple sexual affairs, she is the one that lied to a social worker, Boseman is the one that did drugs, committed drunken sex acts in public, moved in with a lobbyist, cheated on her campaign finance report and don't forget it was the senator that used the "n-word" to describe her constituents.

Next time you hear this lunatic talk about how hard she is fighting for her child, ask yourself why she would jepordize what little time she does have with him by intentionally disobeying a judges order.

I'm telling you, senator Boseman is inches away from cutting all her hair off and talking in a foreign accent.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Truer Words Never Spoken

"I don't think creating controversy around yourself on issues not necessarily important to the majority of your constituency is being an effective politician," said Jim Lea, former chairman of the New Hanover County Democratic Party. "The controversy (s)he created over the years may unfortunately outweigh the good (s)he's done."

Jim Lea is Senator Boseman's attorney. The quote comes from his comments regarding the announced retirement of Senator Jesse Helms in 2001. If you took the above quote and applied it to Sen. Boseman you might begin to hear what we have been hearing this past couple of weeks, that there is a push by the local democrats to get Boseman to step down. Apparently the Dixie Democrats are not happy about the possibility of having the senator on the ballot which just might cause voters, particularly if the African-American voters are going to split the ticket, to screw up the elections for other marginal candidates. They feel they can win the senate seat and keep everything in tact with little effort by simply replacing Boseman with Mayor Bill Saffo before August.

All this makes you wonder exactly who is it that wants Julia Boseman to stay? Well besides all the out-of-state kooks. I mean really, who?

Thursday, July 3, 2008

WECT Called Out Over Boseman On-Air Lovefest

Certainly not characterizing Kelli O'Hara's brownnosing of Senator Boseman as anything of a sexual nature, but there was some obvious chemistry between the two, I saw it, I did, really! There was the moment in the interview when O'Hara leans over and says, "I love you Julia." Either that or maybe I misunderstood her, maybe she actually said , “ Do you think that what happened with…your personal life in the trial that just happened…do you think that it just is…it was a smear campaign, and that it’s just come out, and it’s just ludicrous…I mean it’s just one thing after another?,”

The Wilmington Journal today released a scathing report in their series of articles demanding Sen. Boseman to come forward and answer the question, "Did you use the N-word multiple times in the presents of your 5 year old child?" It's a simple question and to the credit of O'Hara she asked it, and Boseman responded with a non-response, but it was there for the picking. O'Hara may have been star struck, may have been listening to some asshole news producer talk in her ear, (oh sorry, did I just say asshole? Excuse me) and missed out on what Sen. Boseman said, which was, , “You know, out of everything that has happened in this trial, in this press, that allegation has been the most hurtful. To say that I think that I’m racist or that I’m better than somebody is absolutely not true.”

Boseman continued, “Have I said things in the past and done things I’m not proud of? Yes, I have. But…I…that was the most hurtful and that testimony was totally false.”

There it was, a high slow pitch over the corner, even I could have knocked that one outta Fenway Park, "Answer the question, did you use the vulgar, inflammatory, and racist word NIGGER when talking about African Americans in front of your 5 year-oldchild, YES OR NO?" but no, O'Hara stumbled right to the next question, “ Do you think that what happened with…your personal life in the trial that just happened…do you think that it just is…it was a smear campaign, and that it’s just come out, and it’s just ludicrous…I mean it’s just one thing after another?,” and we are right back to where we started. Nothing new, just a missed opportunity that the Wilmington Journal caught and shoved right back up their bloomers.

Go get you a paper and pass it along. Or go to their online version, you remember, the one that was hacked a few weeks ago.