I know a guy whose father swears that when he was 16 years old he was hitch hiking to Raleigh when he got picked up and hit on by some legislator. This was back in the 70's and his trendy long hair and bell bottom hip huggers made him target for half full cans of beer from time to time as he stood roadside stoned and anxious to jump in a car, any car as he bummed rides from strangers. As he tells the story he was on Hwy 421 in the middle of nowhere with his thumb out when a white Lincoln with a State House of Representatives license tag pulled over and stopped. The 16 year old opened the door nervously to sit in the important persons car and accept his offer to take the him all the way to Raleigh.
During the first few tepid minutes driver and hitch hiker sat quietly then the driver with his effeminate posturing asked if the hitch hiker followed politics. The legislator talked about his job in the House and how it is good to have someone accompany him on the long drive. The two became chatty, Nixon or whoever the devil was at that time became a focus of conversation. Soon this driver asked if the hitch hiker was a liberal. "Sure" replied the hitch hiker, "Absolutely." The driver smiled and asked real queer like, "You know what liberal means?"
Now this hitch hiker knew a thing or two about homosexuals. He was often hit on by truckers and other men as he hitched around the state, so he knew where this conversation was headed, but he also knew he didn't want to walk from Cherry Grove to Raleigh either so he played along.
"Yeah liberal means you are against the war, you smoke pot and resist authority."
The driver laughed, almost giggled at this 16 year old's answer.
" A liberal is a person that allows others to be free to be themselves. It is about sharing new experiences, exploring all aspects of life."
Such a clever man, no wonder he is a politician thought the hitch hiker. "Want to get high?" he asked the driver.
"I've never smoked marijuana" the clever politician said. "You ever let a man suck your dick?"
The 16 year old readied his clenched fist. He had punched one or two drivers before, not because they were homosexual but because they scared the shit out of him. John Wayne Gacy or someone had just been in the news where bodies of hitch hiking teens were found under his house and the hitcher wasn't going to go without a fight. But this man wasn't like the truck drivers or the traveling salesmen that smelled like bourbon and had that look about them that scared you the second you saw them. No, this man was a lawmaker, a statesman and maybe to a paranoid mind might call the highway patrol after letting you out telling them you had drugs and a 16 year old might get thrown in some hicktown jail to end up getting buggered and killed anyway, so hitcher decided to be nice.
For the next 45 minutes or so the hitcher had to endure silly sexual innuendos and slight of hand self stimulation as the driver made his way to Raleigh. The hitcher thanked the driver and thanked God for not being molested and they departed company.
The longtime public servant RC Soles of Tabor City has recently become something of a silly old man lately as boys creeping from the closet have come out to harass the elder statesman with threats of going to the WWAY reporter Ann McAdams and political opponent what's her name, Betty Fennel with tales of sexcapades that would make Boy George blush.
RC Soles political career was created by the Tabor City newspaper as a favor to the old man Soles. Then as time goes by Soles becomes more and more influential. But RC is something like 80 and his dad's close to 100 (not really but close) and soon that piece of the puzzle won't be worth much anymore. Besides Soles has been getting out of hand lately with all the arsons and boys gone wild running from courthouses and stuff have made him sort of a joke in the barbershops and hallways. His last election was by all accounts a squeaker and this newest one may turn out to be just as tough.
The newspaper man that created RC has money in the Boseman campaign. Hundreds of thousands of dollars. I'm serious. The Carter family is a huge supporter of Senator Boseman. Now is Boseman RC's replacement as the puzzle piece in the Senate? She going to tote the mail for power brokers in Southeastern North Carolina?
I wonder if RC ever drove a white Lincoln. I wonder how many hitch hikers there are or have been over the past 30 years or more. I wonder how the FBI was able to target RC in the COLCOR operation and why did they think he would appreciate a thin gold bracelet as a token of appreciation. And I wonder if there was a gold bracelet wrapped around the wrist of the driver to go along with "girlie" finger nails the hitch hiker remembers so vividly. I'm sure there was at one time down the road.
(COLCOR or Columbus County Corruption took place while Governor Mike Easley was the District Attorney of Bladen, Brunswick and Columbus County in 1983)
why you always lying about democrats. i suspect its cause you are republican. You and carle Rove can kiss my ass you gaybashing homophobic douche. The lies will spread about you and see how you like it!
I heard that years ago a small rest area on the way to Raleigh had to be closed because they were getting so many complaints that a certain southeastern nc senator was hitting on the guys stopping there.
Right there outside of Harrells.
You know that since then there has been a state rest stop built in Tabor City. Soles puts onhis wig and visits the restroom.
The corrrupt old tinkerbell still has those nice nails
OK. I am not trying to defend RC Soles or anything he may do. However, I would like to add something about this type of behavior by any homosexual/bisexual person. It is really sad that people do this type of behavior. Due to attitudes toward homosexuals they feel that can not be themselves and live openly. It is a shame that people lower their standards to those of other people, straight and gay, that have to sneak around and do unethical things to hide who they are. Illegal is just that. I by no means would ever try to justify such. However, in case you haven't heard in the news over the years, there have been more hetersexual instances, illegal behavior of all types, than ever homosexual instances that have happened at rest areas.
And, unless you know for sure, been a victim of such illegal happenings by this person, it is really sad that you would lower your standards to say such.
I am openly gay and I do not support someone politically or otherwise because they are homosexual or of any other sexual orientation. And, I am very disappointed in Julia Boseman. She could have been such a great role model for young girls, women, and for lesbians of all ages. But now, once again, someone with a little bit of power fails the people in which she was elected to serve. As far as RC Soles goes, from what it seems, he is a character, no doubt. Don't think for a minute that I don't think that EVERYONE should be held up to the same standards. I do. Just be careful with your facts and your opinions.
Is it illegal to proposition a 16 year old for sex? No. Is it illegal to solicit someone for oral sex? Yes.
Section 14-177 of the North Carolina General Statues, derived from an English statute passed during the reign of Henry VIII, provides, "If any person shall commit the crime against nature, with mankind or beast, he shall be punished as a Class I felon."
"Crime against nature" has been defined by North Carolina courts as "sexual intercourse contrary to the order of nature," including all "acts of bestial character whereby degraded and perverted sexual desires are sought to be gratified." While this definition is incredibly broad, enough so that it could conceivably include masturbation or sexual positions once thought "unnatural," the CAN law is now only used in cases involving oral sex (fellatio and cunnilingus) and anal intercourse.
Prior to Lawrence, the CAN law was used to prosecute two male sexual partners as well as male and female partners. Apparently no CAN case has ever been brought against two women in North Carolina, although a woman in Tennessee served two years in prison for consensual CAN with another woman before that state’s sodomy law was declared unconstitutional. Lawrence made clear that law enforcement officers may no longer arrest hetero- or homosexual people for CAN activity in private, but officers are still making CAN arrests for activity occurring in public as well as for solicitation to perform acts of CAN in public or in an unspecified place. Theoretically, arrest and prosecution under CAN laws are also possible at this point in a few additional situations: where one of the participants is a minor or an incapacitated or disabled adult incapable of consent, where prostitution is involved (that is, money or some other material thing of value is exchanged for the CAN act), or where one of the participants is coerced.
Law enforcement officers and prosecutors argue that they continue to enforce and press charges for CAN activity because the laws against prostitution, sex with minors, and the like are not worded broadly enough to include oral and anal sex. While this rationale may seem reasonable at first, the problem is that enforcement of the CAN law penalizes homosexual men more severely than heterosexuals for sexual activity in secluded areas. For example, a heterosexual couple "parking" at night in a deserted area or making love in the woods will most likely be ignored by law enforcement officers. At most, they will be charged with indecent exposure, a misdemeanor. Two men in an identical situation, however, will usually be charged with CAN—a felony. (However, most nonviolent CAN cases today are subject to structured sentencing law, so only a defendant with an unusually bad record would receive an active prison term.)
In order to convict someone of CAN, prosecutors must prove beyond a reasonable doubt that an act of penetration occurred (that is, the state must prove that a penis was inserted into someone’s mouth or anus, or that a tongue was inserted into someone’s vagina or anus). Because the few acts of consensual CAN prosecuted in North Carolina have generally occurred in dark areas or behind a closed door (in an adult bookstore, for example), such cases are often difficult for prosecutors to prove, if the defendant insists on a trial.
However, most CAN (or CAN solicitation) cases never make it to trial: Almost all CAN defendants, even those who insist they are innocent and could never be convicted if the case were to be tried, plead guilty in the early stages of the criminal process for a number of reasons both psychological and historical. Unfortunately, a guilty plea generally results in the defendant’s having to participate in a deferred prosecution program, which carries requirements far more burdensome than the worst sentence he could have received in the unlikely event that a jury were to find him guilty.
As noted previously, the CAN law does not make it illegal to be homosexual, nor does it apply to the numerous forms of same-sex activity, such as mutual masturbation, to which the law does not extend.
the unbelieveable gall that homosexuals have demanding civil rights for their sexual perversions by aligning themselves with blacks is smacking of hearacy. These sexual deviants are not born that way, blacks are.
RC has kept his little secret too long. There are issuse coming before the senate that RC and Boseman want to push thru that on the outside seem harmess like gays being married. Prety soon you will be able to marry a dog some pot and homos will be included in affirmative action suits.
UNCW is already headed that way with there trying to enroll mexicans.
im dicusted with hoiw you hang rc before he even gets a tiral you showd go to hell!
Take another damn drink and shut up fool!
Ok, I am 30 and I grew up in Tabor City. RC was seeing one of my friends that was a few years younger than me and yes my friend was a boy! It all started when my friend was only 13. RC would buy him drugs and clothing in return for sex. Of course my friends= never having a father or really a mother either didn't have much so he went for it. This continued until my friend was over 18 and then he finally moved to get away from RC. Gosh he was so messed up from the hell he had been through!
So I know first hand how gross RC is and also that he would rather have a boy under 18 and targets those that have hardships in life. I SPIT on RC!
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