Monday, August 18, 2008

Sen Boseman's Bill Would Kill Children Says Governor

In only the 9th time since being Governor, NC Gov. Mike Easley stuck down the Bill proposed by Sen. Boseman by vetoing it Sunday, the day before Sen. Boseman's fake fundraiser in Raleigh.

The Bill Easley sacked would have allowed anyone with a drivers license to tow a 9 and a half foot wide boat on the roadways, a ten foot boat on weekends and holidays. Currently the law requires that any boat over 96 inches, any boat over eight and a half feet requires a special permit. Meaning someone with a CDL.

The Bill pushed into law has little effect on the Sunday recreational boater. This Bill would have loosened regulations on the boating industry. Can you imagine this law being in effect for the transportation of mobile homes?

But worse would be the dangers the Bill would create by allowing Joe Boater to wrench his huge houseboat out of the water after a day on the lake, swilling down a few, stacking the boat to his thread worn tires on his rusty old work trailer, ratchet strapping it down and driving it 55, 65, 70 MPH down the highway. Easley told Boseman he wanted blood alcohol levels down to .04 for people towing these mammoth boats up to 10 feet wide but she failed to include it, didn't want to hinder the freedom of those wanting to "get'er done!".

Easley didn't like the Bill, he claimed it was dangerous, in fact he said

"I sincerely believe that this bill puts families at risk on the highways and would result in death or serious injury,"

and this

"I am deeply concerned about 9 1/2-foot boats meeting a school bus,"

Currently, permits are required for boat-trailer combinations more than 8 1/2 feet wide, and the boats cannot be towed on Sundays or holidays or at night.

Easley urged the General Assembly to take up the measure again in January "when there is time to thoughtfully avoid the consequences of this bill."