Monday, June 23, 2008
Boseman Plantation On Fire
The Wilmington Journal has proven itself to be THE community leader by holding Senator Boseman accountable for racist comments attributed to her during the testimony of her friend Bobbie Dunn. Dunn accused Boseman of using the N-word and when asked by Boseman's attorney if she, Dunn, thought Boseman to be a racist Dunn answered, “I think she thinks she’s better than black people, yes sir.”
Now you know that has to have hurt at least 13,000 people who voted for her, you would think it would also cause reaction to the other 60% of those who elected her into office to represent them. and the editorial at
Right on! Power to the people!
Obviously there are people who do not wish for you to read the article about Senator Boseman's use of the N-word. So instead the hacker replaced the Journal article with an obscene message of hate.
Boseman Interruptus
Early Sunday morning someone posted something on my website without my permission. Since then the site has undergone an unwanted transition. Please excuse the delay of reposting. Apparently I either forgot my password I use everyday, or someone changed it without telling me what the new one was.
I am doing the best I can at reinstalling the various reports posted over the past week.
Be patient.
I am doing the best I can at reinstalling the various reports posted over the past week.
Be patient.
Lesbian Adoptions, As Many As 300 Are Illegal
In North Carolina as many as 300 lesbian couples have made a pilgrimage to the Durham County Courthouse with paper work in hand looking for a legal document allowing the adoption of the biological mother's child by the mother's "life partner." Melissa Jarrell and Senator Julia Boseman made that trip from New Hanover County to see a judge, a District Court Judge and his Clerk so that Sen. Boseman could adopt Melissa Jarrell's infant son and as with the others who have made this trip, the adoption, they were told, was official.
They were told wrong ... maybe.
North Carolina law does not allow the adoption of a child when the biological mother has not given up her rights to that child.
This is why there was a custody battle between Ms. Jarrell and Sen. Boseman, the law says the adoption was not legal but a District Court Judge said it was.
This is why Senator Boseman is in the bind she is in right now.
This is not about money. This is not about property. This is about parental rights and how it effects as many as 300 lesbian couples in North Carolina.
So how does a Clerk of Court and a District Court Judge circumvent the law in order to grant as many as 300 lesbians adoptive rights to a child that they have no legal right to?
You'll have to ask the Governor.
Transcript of the adoption hearing.
Boseman's Personal Life-Crisis Lying
It seemed that everyone the Wilmington Star News talked to had nothing but rave reviews for Senator Julia Boseman performance in Raleigh. I wonder if they talked with Nick Rhodes, Kenneth Davis, Bertha Todd, Lethia Hankins, Linda Pierce, Pastor James Utley, Herbert Harris, or the president of the NC chapter of the NAACP, the Rev. Barber.
There was quite a bit missing from this morning's propaganda squirted onto newsprint inside the kennels of the Wilmington Star News. In fact the paper was so one-sided I thought it would flip out of my lap as I read it.
Not one mention of Senator Boseman in violation of a direct court order.
No mention of the seemingly unethical accommodations in which she lives while working for her district in Raleigh. It should also be noted that the Lobbyist/housemate she shares the million dollar house with is also the one and same representative for the video poker and optometrist PACs that pushed over $100,000 into the hands of ex-speaker Jim Black's campaign.
Also no mention of perhaps the most damning act of personal character brought to light was the testimony in court that the Senator not only used the most backwoods, redneck racial slur any white trash could utter to describe the majority of her ethnically diverse constituency, but also it was testified to that the senator thought herself better than "black people" and that her friend considered the senator to be a racist. If this isn't the "nappy-headed ho" moment in local, if not state politics, nothing will ever be.
I know now why we end up with the "public servants" we do when the "free press" representative the Wilmington Star News can not do more than rubber stamp a tired boiler plated liberal agenda press release calling the outrage the public has over these many shameful acts committed by the senator, as nothing more than political mudslinging and gay bashing.
With great hope that the people will indeed rise up to overcome the great WHITE WASHING of the senator's gross conduct and unethical behavior as our elected representative I will encourage everyone and their children to congregate the evening of June 24th (Tuesday) in the public parking lot directly adjacent to the party house at 610 Trails End Road.
This is a non-partisan effort to remove the disgraced senator from office prior to the August cut-off when democrats can appoint someone else to run against the republican challenger. Should Boseman receive funds at the fund raiser she is free, by law, to do with it however she wishes. Including, one might suspect, afford another vacation at Club Hedonism in Jamaica. Anything other than paying her many delinquent obligations.
I just have one question? What exactly has Julia Boseman done as senator that makes her anymore valuable than a rock?
Sleeping With The Enemy
When Julia Boseman first came to Raleigh she was introduced to Craig Souza, current president of the North Carolina Health Care Facilities Association, a nursing-home trade organization who sold her a condo that Senator Boseman flipped in a few months for a substantial profit. Souza’s resume includes Vice Chair of the UNC Board of Governors, former chairman ECU board; member UNC-Chapel Hill School of Public Health board of advisers; member Duke University Long Term Care Resources Program board; past president Association Executives of N.C.; member Governors Council on Health Policy Information; former member N.C. Institute of Political Leadership board; member N.C. Center for Public Policy Research board; past president American Society of Health Care Association Executives; member NC Institute of Medicine board of directors. Some might say this is an excellent start for the freshman senator from New Hanover County.
All legislators living outside Raleigh generally have to make sleeping accommodations a priority during session. The Velvet Cloak, Brownstone Inn, even the YMCA are bedding places for most of the out of town lawmakers. Some found ways to make their $104 per diem go farther by living in a travel trailer or bunking up in private homes with friends or associates while in session. This session Sen. Boseman seems to have found such a home.
According to court documents filed today Senator Boseman has been living at 2349 Churchill Road. This is the home of Theresa Kostrzewa-Tucker. It is also the address listed for Capital Advantage Associates, a lobbying organization listing Kostrzewa as the lobbyist representing, Distilled Spirits Council of the United States, Hest Technologies, Murphy-Brown, LLC, NC State Optometric Society, News Corporation, Smithfield Foods, Smithfield Packaging, Wal Mart Stores, and the video poker industry.
Surely many of Senator Boseman’s supporters will say that just because the senator is spending the night with the lobbyist it doesn’t mean anything inappropriate is happening. After all it will all be covered in the upcoming campaign finance report by Sen. Boseman showing that she is paying rent to share the million dollar home. But to believe her you would have to trust her character, the same character that is illustrated in the number of times she told Melissa Jarrell she would be with her as life partner.” Or the fact that she told the social worker evaluating the “parental” relationships in Senator Boseman's bid for adoption, that she was in a “loving relationship” with her life partner, Ms. Jarrell. However, in the civil trial testimony it is revealed that all the time she was having an admitted sexual relationship with two women outside her relationship with Ms. Jarrell, two people close to the couple, two people she was keeping quiet about, lying about, threatening, extorting, in order to protect this sexual affair, how are we to trust the senator now, even though she is saying to her supporters, “nothing is going on, just more none-of-your-business revelations from the right.” But serious Mr. and/or Ms. Democrat, how can you believe a woman that uses the “N” word describing 40% of her constituents, how can you trust a woman that betrays those around her by consistently placing herself in various complicated sexual escapades outside her committed relationship with her life partner. How can you expect honesty? And perhaps most importantly, how can you expect ethical behavior from a desperate person in the financial predicament she has seemed to place herself in? Senator Boseman has extravagant lifestyle (see court transcript) that demands plenty of income.
It is uncertain at this time whether or not Senator Boseman is in violation of the law but in light of the recent criminal influences by lobbyist in the downfall of House Speaker Jim Black and Rep. Thomas Wright on might not be quick to wink at Julia sleeping with the enemy.
NCGS§ 120C‑602. Punishment for violation.
(a) Whoever willfully violates any provision of Article 2 or Article 3 of this Chapter shall be guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor, except as provided in those Articles. In addition, no lobbyist who is convicted of a violation of the provisions of this Chapter shall in any way act as a lobbyist for a period of two years from the date of conviction.
(b) In addition to the criminal penalties set forth in this section, the Secretary of State may levy civil fines for a violation of any provision of Articles 2, 4, or 8 of this Chapter up to five thousand dollars ($5,000) per violation. In addition to the criminal penalties set forth in this section, the Commission may levy civil fines for a violation of any provision of this Chapter except Article 2, 4, or 8 of this Chapter up to five thousand dollars ($5,000) per violation. (1933, c. 11, s. 8; 1975, c. 820, s. 1; 1991, c. 740, s. 1.1; 1993, c. 539, s. 914; 1994, Ex. Sess., c. 24, s. 14(c); 2005‑456, s. 1; 2006‑201, s. 18; 2006‑259, s. 43.5(a).)
A conflict of interest arises when a legislator's private interest, usually of a personal, financial or economic nature, conflicts or creates the appearance of a conflict with the legislator's public duties and responsibilities. By sharing the home of a lobbyist, Senator Boseman has created an appearance of a conflict of interest.
Senator Boseman's Finances
Of course when Rep. Thomas Wright was finally seen for who he became people wanted to know where Rep. Wright got his money. It turned out Rep Wright took campaign money and stuck it into his pockets. He also accepted grant money from lobbyist that he never felt obligated to report or use for the grant's intended purposes.
Would we have found any of this out without the Board of Elections calling in the SBI?
Likewise what do we know about Sen. Boseman?
She is an attorney, she dabbles in real estate, her family has enough money to afford things most others can't but they are far from being "wealthy."
Wright had tens of thousands of dollars being tossed his way. Boseman has hundreds of thousands. We have already pointed out Boseman's fraudulent campaign finance return filed in May of 2006. We have seen the senator attempt to hide ownership in property by placing the deed in someone else's name.
When Wright became desperate Sen Soles showed Wright how to tap into the lobbyiest cash pipeline. The closeted Soles is a huge supporter of Sen Boseman. If you take the time to poke your way through the senator's campaign finance report you will discover that the Tabor City mob has their hand up Sen. Boseman's skirt with hefty campaign contributions. At least $100,000 worth of funds fell off one single tree that has it's roots deep in Tabor City.
So how does money end up in her lap? Quietly, secretly, same way as she was able to sneak a sexual act upon a mistress while her domestic partner was in the same house, on the same cruise, and under her nose. Deception, lies and betrayal.
Rep. Wright wasn't nearly as clever and he was caught. In fact he blamed Sen. Boseman for his troubles. But Wright and Boseman share one character flaw, they are both arrogant assholes and have left many a person along the roadway as they ran them over to take what they felt they deserved.
I never will forget a story a friend that told me about a 13 year old girl who was caught stealing a pair of shoes from a gym locker. The girl of course was taken to the principles office, suspended and the mom was told that there were other things taken over the past couple of weeks, jewelery and a jacket. When the mother got the child home she made the girl rip her room apart and found the jacket and the piece of jewelery the girl stole earlier. The mother told the girl she had to take it back to school and turn it into the principle. The 13 year old threw a fit screaming at her mother that she had earned the loot. Deserved it for figuring out how to take it undetected.
Senator Marc Basnight (D-Dare) spread the word that the Senate will forgive Sen. Boseman by saying the following
"In life, if we punish those who make mistakes, then no one would be elected."
Apparently the senate does not intend to censure Sen. Boseman for illegal drug use, embarrassing sex acts in public, extortion, womanizing, an act of fraud, and an act of forgery. Maybe Basnight feels the girl deserved it.
Sen. Boseman Suffering from Tourettes or Racism?
The loyal voting block that worked hard to grant Julia Boseman victory in a close race against republican Woodie White four years ago was recently punched in the gut when Senator Boseman, famous for her salty language became also known for her frequently use the "N" word. Perhaps this is the result of alcoholism, drug abuse, even an undiagnosed mental disorder such as Tourettes Syndrome. I'm sure Bertha Todd, Hollis Briggs, Earl Sheridan and Nick Rhoades hope it's something that can be easily excused.
In 2004, Boseman had won the seat 40,486 to 39,601, a margin of only 885 votes, 50.55% to 49.45%. Roughly 40% of all those voting as a democrat in the 2002 election were African Americans. Over 16,000 black democrats voted for Julia "N-word" Boseman.
Convicted Felon and Sen. Boseman's Money
(l) Mark Griffis (c) Chancellor Rosemary DePaolo (r)David Robertson
The Ann Flack Boseman Scholarship is selected annually by the faculty of the Department of Art and Art History. This scholarship is endowed through the generosity of donors Mark Griffis and Dave Robertson in honor of Ann Flack Boseman. The award, which is a merit-based honor consists of $1,000 toward tuition as well as a solo exhibition. UNCW quote
Ann Boseman is a woman more than likely deserving a little bit of recognition. Who knows. However the mother of Senator Julia Boseman most likely didn't know that the scholarship endowment at UNCW that bears her name came from a convicted Felon.
Dave Robertson and Mark Joseph Griffis have been paraded about by UNCW for the couple's patronage of the university. But like Ann Boseman was in the dark about people she traveled to Europe with, surely the same ignorance can be said about the university having no idea that Mr. Griffis is a convicted Felon. In 1998 Griffis was charged with FORGERY OF ENDORSEMENT. He was tracked down in Maywood, Illinois and brought back to North Carolina to face trial and conviction. (1998CRS000417)
Robertson and Griffis are big fundraisers for Senator Julia Boseman and it's rumored that soon the couple will be hosting a gala event in Senator Boseman's honor at their house on Trails End in order to kick her campaign into high gear.
Amazing how some people can be so forgiving of Felons when money is shoved into their pockets.
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