The goodly DA Gore turned the case over to the SBI, yep they are the same ones that found Peyton Strickland's killer acted properly when he was gunned down answering the door by a scared assault rifle bearing sheriff deputy. By the way, since there were windows in the door allowing the gunmen to see into the house, why hit the door with a battering ram?
Oh well, blood under the bridge. But how is it that the 80 year old impotent senator from Columbus County handling all this? Word is he still has these rough boys visiting him at home and along the darkened roadside of the rural outback.
Well any day now the young fella Mr. Froggie will soon be coughing up some interesting stuff (and I'm not talking about his cell mates gratitude) while he mulls things over in jail, so it ain't over, not by a long shot. At least the feds are interested in him and the feds don't mess around, or so I've been told by friends in low places.