Thursday, August 6, 2009

Money for Nothing

The 17 year old Frog Strickland is getting his money in cash, or so he says. The arrangement Strickland has with Senator Soles is one in which he is the benefactor of a generous attorney and lawmaker that should know that he has to pay taxes on the money he is handing out, or someone has to.

Just curious, it sounds like a lot of cash is being funneled (laundered) through the young Mr. Strickland. Is there a reason the Senator doesn't write Strickland a check, or pay the bills directly?

The other thing is, it seems that there are a bunch of rough and rowdy ex-cons in Columbus County that would be eager to find the senator's loot stuffed in the mattress or hidden away in the trunk of his car. I wonder if the good senator has a gun? If he would use it if he had it. I wonder if he were to actually get robbed if he would even report the theft. What would he say?