Certainly not characterizing Kelli O'Hara's brownnosing of Senator Boseman as anything of a sexual nature, but there was some obvious chemistry between the two, I saw it, I did, really! There was the moment in the interview when O'Hara leans over and says, "I love you Julia." Either that or maybe I misunderstood her, maybe she actually said , “ Do you think that what happened with…your personal life in the trial that just happened…do you think that it just is…it was a smear campaign, and that it’s just come out, and it’s just ludicrous…I mean it’s just one thing after another?,”
The Wilmington Journal today released a scathing report in their series of articles demanding Sen. Boseman to come forward and answer the question, "Did you use the N-word multiple times in the presents of your 5 year old child?" It's a simple question and to the credit of O'Hara she asked it, and Boseman responded with a non-response, but it was there for the picking. O'Hara may have been star struck, may have been listening to some asshole news producer talk in her ear, (oh sorry, did I just say asshole? Excuse me) and missed out on what Sen. Boseman said, which was, , “You know, out of everything that has happened in this trial, in this press, that allegation has been the most hurtful. To say that I think that I’m racist or that I’m better than somebody is absolutely not true.”
Boseman continued, “Have I said things in the past and done things I’m not proud of? Yes, I have. But…I…that was the most hurtful and that testimony was totally false.”
There it was, a high slow pitch over the corner, even I could have knocked that one outta Fenway Park, "Answer the question, did you use the vulgar, inflammatory, and racist word NIGGER when talking about African Americans in front of your 5 year-oldchild, YES OR NO?" but no, O'Hara stumbled right to the next question, “ Do you think that what happened with…your personal life in the trial that just happened…do you think that it just is…it was a smear campaign, and that it’s just come out, and it’s just ludicrous…I mean it’s just one thing after another?,” and we are right back to where we started. Nothing new, just a missed opportunity that the Wilmington Journal caught and shoved right back up their bloomers.
Go get you a paper and pass it along. Or go to their online version, you remember, the one that was hacked a few weeks ago.