When Senator Julia Boseman returned back to Raleigh to begin her session last summer, the senator moved in with one of the state's most powerful and influential lobbyist. Moved in, and caught by Marc Benson doing so. Benson is a private detective and the host of a radio show about crime. For the past 3o years or so Benson has been bringing people to justice, including Sen. Boseman.
So turd breath Boseman sneaks into Raleigh, mooching off a well financed lobbyist, with clients such as the pig farmers, hog waste industry, video poker advocate, and even an organization that deals with the liquor industry, Not only is she breaking serious ethical regulations she has done so with her ex-partner's child, a direct violation of a judge's court order.
It was Benson that was following up an investigation for the radio show, taking pictures, documenting the fact that Boseman was indeed not only violating a court order but violating ethical standards set forth by state law.
Apparently Boseman has a phobia, a fear of long phallic shaped objects pointed at her face and the fear caused her enough distress to weigh in a petty complaint with some government agency about having her picture taken. An agency that heard her complaint and warned Benson to be careful next time. Careful of what?
Apparently the politically appointed members of the state board does not allow private citizens to photograph Senator Boseman, even when doing so for a radio show. How could a radio show need photos? Maybe as verification of fact? What difference does it make? It wasn't like the Senator was secretly photographed, she was out in the public view, much like movie stars and others getting their pictures taken making out on a nude beach, stepping out of cars so drunk their no undies are showing. There is no crime, none, no rule, regulation, or law against it but the Board felt a warning was in order nonetheless. Perhaps to please the senator, perhaps because the warning is of no consequence and is only a matter of opinion and not a disciplinary act, per se.
So whether it is penis envy or just some phobic reaction to camera lenses who knows, but one thing is for sure, the senator is afraid of being discovered committing "errors in judgment," so much so she gets her panties all twisted up and wastes time, money and energy to make good people step and fetch for her.
Benson has been a Private Detective since 2004, he has also has press credentials since 2004. Following, photographing and investigating a corrupt senator should be perfectly legitimate business for any citizen. And it is, even though Boseman thinks she is above that.
Good luck Booseman trying to make a mountain out of a molehill. I can't wait to see the next picture that comes out of the darkroom exposing your filthy behind.