When Senator Julia Boseman returned back to Raleigh to begin her session last summer, the senator moved in with one of the state's most powerful and influential lobbyist. Moved in, and caught by Marc Benson doing so. Benson is a private detective and the host of a radio show about crime. For the past 3o years or so Benson has been bringing people to justice, including Sen. Boseman.
So turd breath Boseman sneaks into Raleigh, mooching off a well financed lobbyist, with clients such as the pig farmers, hog waste industry, video poker advocate, and even an organization that deals with the liquor industry, Not only is she breaking serious ethical regulations she has done so with her ex-partner's child, a direct violation of a judge's court order.
It was Benson that was following up an investigation for the radio show, taking pictures, documenting the fact that Boseman was indeed not only violating a court order but violating ethical standards set forth by state law.
Apparently Boseman has a phobia, a fear of long phallic shaped objects pointed at her face and the fear caused her enough distress to weigh in a petty complaint with some government agency about having her picture taken. An agency that heard her complaint and warned Benson to be careful next time. Careful of what?
Apparently the politically appointed members of the state board does not allow private citizens to photograph Senator Boseman, even when doing so for a radio show. How could a radio show need photos? Maybe as verification of fact? What difference does it make? It wasn't like the Senator was secretly photographed, she was out in the public view, much like movie stars and others getting their pictures taken making out on a nude beach, stepping out of cars so drunk their no undies are showing. There is no crime, none, no rule, regulation, or law against it but the Board felt a warning was in order nonetheless. Perhaps to please the senator, perhaps because the warning is of no consequence and is only a matter of opinion and not a disciplinary act, per se.
So whether it is penis envy or just some phobic reaction to camera lenses who knows, but one thing is for sure, the senator is afraid of being discovered committing "errors in judgment," so much so she gets her panties all twisted up and wastes time, money and energy to make good people step and fetch for her.
Benson has been a Private Detective since 2004, he has also has press credentials since 2004. Following, photographing and investigating a corrupt senator should be perfectly legitimate business for any citizen. And it is, even though Boseman thinks she is above that.
Good luck Booseman trying to make a mountain out of a molehill. I can't wait to see the next picture that comes out of the darkroom exposing your filthy behind.
Do you know Mark Benson? i do and think we all owe him a big thank you. I heard that julia tried to get his license and made up lies thats why the Raleigh agency didnt do anything to him. She is about as low as they get. I wish she would get found out by thye FBI like that governor friend of Hussain in Chicago.
So, if Marc had been hired by someone, then there would be no reason for a reprimand?
I honestly don't know if Marc was hired by someone or did it as part of Blue Line Radio.
I think he was reprimanded because it is a politically appointed Board. Boseman wanted to hurt him for sticking it to her and the best the Board could do was to tell Marc to back off, or something equally as benign. Who knows.
Politically appointed board. Can you list the names of these board members and contact information.
Here's a link to the board members listed on the Dept of Justice website:
Some of the people listed as members have expired terms. I don't think all members were at the hearing last week. If you can get a copy of the minutes, then you will be able to see who participated in this harassment. Here's a link to the minutes from previous meetings, but it looks like they don't post the minutes online for several months. The most current is the October minutes. You may be able to call and get the information you want. Minutes link:
I just heard Benson appealed his slap on the wrist and is passing out supeonas like they are candy canes. Sometimes old people get it right, let a sleeping dog lie. I reckon Julie is into being spanked.
Marc Benson is a smart guy who will not let Julia Boseman back him in a corner. Julia should watch her back. She thinks she's got the crowd backing her in Raleigh. Well, the old girl has got something to learn. Democrats have proven time and time again they aren't loyal to anyone and will throw her to the wolves like they did Thomas Wright if she steps out of line, i.e. not supporting all their corrupt ways and being in the limelight too often. You see, a crook likes the darkness and hates light. Julia is having too much light on her now.
Just wait. She's in for an awakening. I would not want Marc Benson after me and Julia certainly doesn't want to get out of the good graces of the "corrupt crowd" in Raleigh
Hard to believe they would slap Marc Benson on the wrist and let Mizz Julia get away with all the s@#$ she's done. Hers is coming. Hmmm, come to think of it... Private investigators are obviously held to moral and ethical standards which based on Julia's behavior, lawyers aren't. Except I did hear some rumblings that the NC Bar was investigating her and her mortgage loans. Of course it isn't public until they rule on their findings. I don't think we've heard the end of Mizz Julia. Wonder if she'll be able to get tips from Martha Stewart about decorating her cell? You know, Julia is used to a much LARGER space.
I understood it wasn't that Marc wasn't properly licensed, it was a dispute over if he should have been working alone or with his ex-business partner. Yes, I heard the ex-business partner filed the complaint with Julia. See, that's the difference between Mizz Julia and Marc Benson. When Marc and his business partner parted ways, Marc moved on honorably. When Julia parted ways with her ex-business partner, Malee, she threatened to follow her around for the rest of her life. Sounds like Mizz Julia & Marc's old partner are two pot heads, I mean to peas in a pod. (Yes-I know Malee was not a law partner for the ones out there who thinks I don't know what I'm talking about. She was an employee; ex-employee, that is.)
Tried to find the board members, did the copy and paste for both links and got page not found.
Marc's ex-business partner brought this on at Julia's urging ($).
It's all about the money ain't it?
board members part I:
Richard B Allen
P.O. Box 262
Wadesboro, NC 28170-0000 President Pro Tempore Appointee - October 2003; Industry Member; Expiration: June 30, 2008; Board Vice-Chairman; Serves on Screening Committee - Chairman and on Training & Education Committee.
Sheriff Jimmy Ashe
Jackson County Sheriff
399 Grindstaff Cove Rd.
Sylva, NC 28779-0000 Attorney General Designee; Appointed - August 2005; Expiration: Indefinite; Serves on Screening Committee and Training & Education Committee.
Brenda J Bishop
1504 Larchmont Dr.
Greensboro, NC 27405-0000 Governor Appointee - June 2004; Public Member; Expiration: June 30, 2005; Serves on Screening Committee and Finance Committee - Chairperson.
Berkley Blanks
2461 Stratford Drive
Greensboro, NC 27408-0000 President Pro Tempore Appointee - September 2003; Public Member; Expiration: June 30, 2009; Board Chairman.
William Booth
2388 West Tanglewood Dr.
Supply, NC 28462-0000 Speaker/House Appointee- June 2006; Industry Member; Expiration: June 30, 2009; Serves on Training & Education Committee and 74C Re-Write Committee.
board members part II:
The Honorable Ronald W Burris
1506 Melchor Rd.
Albemarle, NC 28001-0000 President Pro Tempore Appointee - November 2005; Public Member; Expiration: June 30, 2008; Serves on Grievance Committee - Chairman and 74C Rewrite Committee.
Mack Donaldson
1 Centerview Drive
Greensboro, NC 27407-0000 Speaker House Appointee - August 2007; Industry Member; Expiration: June 30, 2009; Serves on Grievance Committee and 74C Rewrite/Legislative Committee.
David T Grimes
P.O. Box 432
Goldsboro, NC 27533-0000 Speaker/House Appointee - October 2003; Industry Member; Expiration: June 30, 2009; Serves on Grievance Committee and Training & Education Committee.
Sheriff Richard Jenkins
1729 Fountain Branch Rd.
Rocky Mount, NC 27603-0000 President Pro Tempore Appointee - June 2006; Public Member; Expiration: June 30, 2009; Serves on Grievance Committee and Finance Committee.
Steve Johnson
2310 Tryon Rd.
Raleigh, NC 27603-0000 President Pro Tempore Appointee - June 1998; Public Member; Expiration: June 30, 2009; Serves on 74C Rewrite Committee, Finance Committee and Training & Education Committee.
Displaying Records 6 to 10 of 14
board members III
Position Pending
Attorney General Appointee
David A Pendry
4749 Old Boone Trail
Millers Creek, NC 28651-0000 Attorney General Appointee - April 2002; Public Member; Expiration: June 30, 2004; Serves on Screening Committee and Finance Committee.
Sally Pleasant
P.O. Box 256
Albemarle, NC 28001-0000 Speaker House Appointee - August 2007; Industry Member; Expiration: June 30, 2009; Serves on Screening Committee and 74C Rewrite/Legislative Committee.
James C Stevens Sr.
379 Bay Run
Newport, NC 28570-0000 Speaker/House Appointee - October 2005; Industry Member; Expiration: June 30, 2008; Serves on Training & Education Committee - Chairman and Grievance Committee.
Oh THAT Sheriff Dick Jenkins, the one that didn't sign his BOE candidacy forms but still got elected.
Oh that one!
Trooper's Arrest Of Wilson Investigator Thrown Out Amidst Controversy
Posted: Apr 8, 2006
NASHVILLE, N.C. — A private investigator that claims he was wrongly arrested was cleared Friday amidst questions about a Nash County trooper's motives and family connections.
Just moments after Trooper Stephanie Young took the stand on Friday, she lost her case against private investigator Rick Eatmon. Last May, Young stopped Eatmon on I-95 and arrested him on charges he resisted an officer and carried illegal guns. However, on the stand the trooper admitted Eatmon willingly handed over his license, registration, and gun permit.
"He had a concealed carry permit," said Young.
The judge immediately dismissed the charges against Eatmon.
"W're glad the judge made the decision to throw it out," said Eatmon. "We think justice did prevail."
What Young didn't tell the court was that her father, former Rocky Mount Police Sergeant David Hawkins, asked her to stop Eatmon. Hawkins, now a candidate for Nash County Sheriff, was allegedly having an affair with the woman who joined him in court on Friday.
Eatmon was hired to spy on the couple, and he shot video of them together for a divorce case. The private detective believes Young made a wrongful arrest to intimidate him.
"It was an abuse of power," he said.
"It makes you think twice before you go ahead and take things into your own hands," said Eatmon's attorney Allen Thomas.
Hawkins declined comment, although he's said he just wanted to find out who was following his girlfriend. Young also had nothing to say. She was suspended for two days for an undisclosed reason. Her commanding officer says the public can trust the checks and balances.
"That's what it's there for," said 1st Sgt. Keith Stone. "It's for the justice system. It's for the people. Our internal affairs is there to instill our professionalism as a law enforcement agency within the state."
"I don't quite trust the police policing the police," said Eatmon.
Eatmon believes Young should lose her job. He said he's considering a civil lawsuit for wrongful arrest.
Hawkins unsuccessfully tried to get the Nash County sheriff eliminated from the election. Sheriff Dick Jenkins forgot to sign his paperwork when he filed for re-election. The State Board of Elections said it wasn't a problem. David Hawkins failed when he tried to challenge that decision. The primary is set for May.
With the reach Julia has, state & local, Marc will need to be vigilant to do everything from maintaining all state level licenses down to driving through the streets of Wilmington properly. I hope something comes down to squash her, so Marc can continue to use his energy making offensive moves rather than defensive ones. I think Julia wants her pound of flesh...not money.
There is no indication right now that there was any improprieties by anyone on the Board, the action taken against Benson was the absolute minimum.
Having read Mr. Benson's qualifications and his professional experience on his website, http://bluelineradio.com/marcbensonprofile1.html I suspect that Boseman is just simply harassing her accuser.
Was there ever an investigation by the SBOE for Boseman? What about the mention on this site about RC Soles and grand jury? These are 2 that I would like to see stripped of their legislative powers.
Did you see in the News and Observer--Under the Dome blog that Bill Clinton is coming to Wilmington to stump for Boseman. Guess he won't try the cigar trick on her.
According to the minutes posted by the PPSB, Benson was working under a name other than the name under which the license was obtained. Seems not nearly as bad as some of the other offenses.
Sounds like he was trying to be sneaky. Judging by the way he nailed that slippery snake Boseman he must have needed to tell a white lie to someone asking questions. The Board must have agreed with him because they could have taken his license. A slap on the wrist to help a client out of a tough jam seems worth it, I'm sure he was paid well.
Marcus Teer Benson
Benson Agency
P.O. Box 3305
Wilmington, NC 28406-0000
2008-PPS-026 Violation of G.S. 74C-12(a)(22)
- Engaged in a private
protective services profession
under a name other than the
name under which the license
was obtained.
Marcus Teer Benson to be issued a
letter of Reprimand for engaging in a private protective services profession under a name other than the name under which the license was obtained.
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For someone who supports doing away with snooping big gov.t, Benson sure shows what he would do if ever elected to a public office. He evidently has some penis envy going on there acting like a big bully picking on a woman. He just Can't handle going after the real problems in govt caused by W. Bush and his cronies. What a wind bag.
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