Justice said Boseman was invited to the meeting but did not attend. A staff member who has been researching the issue for the senator went instead.June 1, 2008 Wilmington Star News
Senator Boseman sent her intern, not a staff member. Her freakin intern. Way to show respect, Dick!
Internships are offered in virtually all areas of state government. One-hundred paid ($8.75) internships are available for 10 weeks each summer for undergraduates, graduate students and those in professional schools. Unpaid internships during the academic year can be arranged periodically, and part time spring internships are sometimes offered. Please contact Lisa Flint-Morris, Internship Program Coordinator at (919) 789-5880, lisa.flint@doa.nc.gov, or 'NCGovtIntern' on MSN Messenger, for more information.
Media or persons of interest should request Sen. Boseman's PPF (Project Proposal Forms) listing her intended use of her intern.