Justice said Boseman was invited to the meeting but did not attend. A staff member who has been researching the issue for the senator went instead.June 1, 2008 Wilmington Star News
Senator Boseman sent her intern, not a staff member. Her freakin intern. Way to show respect, Dick!
Internships are offered in virtually all areas of state government. One-hundred paid ($8.75) internships are available for 10 weeks each summer for undergraduates, graduate students and those in professional schools. Unpaid internships during the academic year can be arranged periodically, and part time spring internships are sometimes offered. Please contact Lisa Flint-Morris, Internship Program Coordinator at (919) 789-5880, lisa.flint@doa.nc.gov, or 'NCGovtIntern' on MSN Messenger, for more information.
Media or persons of interest should request Sen. Boseman's PPF (Project Proposal Forms) listing her intended use of her intern.
Marc, is this why you are doing this?
Thursday, October 10, 2002
Benson says Democrats "stooped to criminal conduct"
Candidate’s personnel files are released while Democratic party chair appears on tv and accuses Benson of untruths
By Johanna Thatch
Of the Wilmington Journal
It is certainly not a “newsflash” nor is it “font page news” that the prevalent attitude toward the media in the African American community is often times negative.
Neither is it a secret that some African Americans believe that the mainstream media often reports one-sided stories, deliver the news with favor and bias.
And perhaps it did not surprise many on Wednesday afternoon when New Hanover County Sheriff candidate Marc Benson echoed the same feelings during a press conference.
His reaction was in response to a local news release he faxed to various local media.
Benson said that on Tuesday, October 9, Chairperson of the NHC Democratic Party Gary Shipman disclosed to the press paperwork from his personnel file and included the statement, “Mr. Benson is simply not being truthful with the public when he says he resigned from the Sheriff’s Department.
It’s time that he come clean about the allegations against him while he as employed with the Sheriff’s Department, and consent to a release of his personnel file so that the public has an opportunity to assess whether he is worthy of being the Sheriff of this county.”
The statement continued, “To do anything less would be to perpetuate the cloud of suspicion that continues to hang over him.”
But Benson contends that the cloud will never disappear until his opposition “lets it die”.
I would like to clarify that we did not have an intern with Senator Boseman's office through our program for Summer 2008. Kindly remove my contact information and links to our program's website, as the content is unrelated to this story. Thank you.
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