It seemed that everyone the Wilmington Star News talked to had nothing but rave reviews for Senator Julia Boseman performance in Raleigh. I wonder if they talked with Nick Rhodes, Kenneth Davis, Bertha Todd, Lethia Hankins, Linda Pierce, Pastor James Utley, Herbert Harris, or the president of the NC chapter of the NAACP, the Rev. Barber.
There was quite a bit missing from this morning's propaganda squirted onto newsprint inside the kennels of the Wilmington Star News. In fact the paper was so one-sided I thought it would flip out of my lap as I read it.
Not one mention of Senator Boseman in violation of a direct court order.
No mention of the seemingly unethical accommodations in which she lives while working for her district in Raleigh. It should also be noted that the Lobbyist/housemate she shares the million dollar house with is also the one and same representative for the video poker and optometrist PACs that pushed over $100,000 into the hands of ex-speaker Jim Black's campaign.
Also no mention of perhaps the most damning act of personal character brought to light was the testimony in court that the Senator not only used the most backwoods, redneck racial slur any white trash could utter to describe the majority of her ethnically diverse constituency, but also it was testified to that the senator thought herself better than "black people" and that her friend considered the senator to be a racist. If this isn't the "nappy-headed ho" moment in local, if not state politics, nothing will ever be.
I know now why we end up with the "public servants" we do when the "free press" representative the Wilmington Star News can not do more than rubber stamp a tired boiler plated liberal agenda press release calling the outrage the public has over these many shameful acts committed by the senator, as nothing more than political mudslinging and gay bashing.
With great hope that the people will indeed rise up to overcome the great WHITE WASHING of the senator's gross conduct and unethical behavior as our elected representative I will encourage everyone and their children to congregate the evening of June 24th (Tuesday) in the public parking lot directly adjacent to the party house at 610 Trails End Road.
This is a non-partisan effort to remove the disgraced senator from office prior to the August cut-off when democrats can appoint someone else to run against the republican challenger. Should Boseman receive funds at the fund raiser she is free, by law, to do with it however she wishes. Including, one might suspect, afford another vacation at Club Hedonism in Jamaica. Anything other than paying her many delinquent obligations.
I just have one question? What exactly has Julia Boseman done as senator that makes her anymore valuable than a rock?
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