Perhaps one of the most bizarre acts by a candidate in an election has to be Senator Boseman's sponsoring a tour of homes under foreclosure when she herself has had millions in property foreclosed on her for failing to make payments.
There has always been an undercurrent of corruption and deceptive political practices in Wilmington dating back to the 1898 revolt. There are no accurate accounts, no accountability, no justice on many of the incidents that take place along the Cape Fear River. Hopefully once things die down we can go back into history to uncover some of the outlandish escapes of justice seen in the area. Cases like COLCOR where a senator from Columbus County slipped away.
What a shame that she will probably win again... Most people have become so conditioned to anything goes and do not remember the difference between right and wrong.
I swear to god that this election has done me in, kiss my belief in america good-bye, there is no way that anyone with half a brain would vote for this absolutely corrupt senator. I mean who would ever vote for a man that behaved that way. Shit if Boozeman was a man she'd get her ass kicked. No one would stand for it. But she gets a pass because why, because she is a lesbian? I doubt it, she gets a pass because she is is the victim of personal attacks and smears by fools like you fuckers running this website. There are retarded people saying to themselves that poor Julia when they should be saying who does she think she is.
The republicans blew it, they should have just sicked Michael Lee on her ass. But when the main dude doesnt say anything to back up all those "allegations" it makes it look like a lie.
You fuckers running this website blew it, you should have just rolled over and played dead, gotten arrested, done something to create a victim bigger and sadder than that bitch Julia.
Oh I'm so mad!
I agree with ophelia but it isn't their fault. Everything Julia Boseman does, she claims she is a victim and it's mainstream media that doesn't call her out on it. She is a fraud. A liar. A cheat. She's a better than average politician.
The purpose of creating this blog has nothing to do with trying to effect an election. This blogsite hopefully provided a link to several of those with questions but it's primary function is to uncover corruption and expose those that commit the act. We are not going to make any excuses. If you didn't expect the money to determine the outcome then you are a fool. If you want to determine the outcome of a political race you have to give the candidate twice the money. If advertising didn't work why is there so much of it?
She hasn't won yet.
I appreciate the fact that you are doing this website. You have provided information that people should know about their elected officials when the bias media will not.
Aw shucks, the Wilmington Star rag has banned one of my favorite posters from their forums. Foo. Hopefully, this site can be refuge.
The WSN is free to do as they wish, same thing here. I spoke with our friend last night over a cold beer at the Dirty Martini and trust me she received a medal of valor for her dedication to rubbing your nose in it. Sometimes you have to look at the entire picture and not focus on the obvious. I guess you've never played chess or had any military training. The battle to clean up this town is far from over and I'm sure you can sense that by your short hairs standing on end.
So what is the status on Boseman? Is she being investigated for her behavior with election reports? I hope so.
Hopefully she is about to get handcuffed for a predatory lending scam she hooked up with a particular big time bookie/mortgage broker. Word is she is going down along with a few others in town that hoodwinked homebuyers into these high interest loans.
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