The Amy Winehouse of North Carolina politics barely overcomes the gentlemanly Michael Lee by riding the Messianic coattails of Barack Obama. Lee, a relatively dark horse fell victim to the hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of advertising and influence dumped up the poop shoot of Boseman by the State Democratic Party where it turned her crap into gold. Just goes to show you it takes money to buy an election.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Boseman Squeaks By!
The Amy Winehouse of North Carolina politics barely overcomes the gentlemanly Michael Lee by riding the Messianic coattails of Barack Obama. Lee, a relatively dark horse fell victim to the hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of advertising and influence dumped up the poop shoot of Boseman by the State Democratic Party where it turned her crap into gold. Just goes to show you it takes money to buy an election.
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Don't be a hater. JULIA ROCKS!!!!!
Yes Julia does rock, and she rolls too, you'll see.
Julia is a crook! 4:24AM...must have been a Julia's victory party.
I think the early voting helped Julia. I know several people who would not have supported her or voted for her if the last terrible thing had been revealed sooner. I had already decided, that she had "lost it" personally. I hope the indictment comes down soon. thanks for all the great stories.
I was a Julia supporter and advocate. Anyone that can get past & swallow what happened with that couple being DUPED and misled; well - you simply have no depth, no soul, no sense of right and wrong. It's one thing to believe in someone and support them thru thick and thin like I did. It's a whole other thing to not hold someone accountable for something they did that was really wrong.
As I understand it the Castillo's signed a "Purchase Contract" which is basically a promise to purchase. The seller is not obligated to transfer the deed.
Julia knew what she was doing, the Castillo's didn't and she took advantage of it.
It seems that the only crime in this victimization of the Castillo family by Sen. Boseman is that nobody cares.
YEP!!! Key word...VICTORY!!!! It certainly wasn't Michael Lee's "I'm a loser" pitty party! :)
By the way, is over 3,000 votes squeaking...I think not!!!
Yes 3,000 votes was the margin. Half of that would have tied it up and forced a runoff. 1,500 people made a difference. Boseman out spent Lee by nearly a million dollars. Something like $800,000 came from the democratic party in Raleigh. $800,000 to win by 3,000 votes. Talk about pig on a lipstick.
The Republician Party spent alot of money for his campaign that wasn't given to him directly. Maybe they should have spent it on some lipstick for Michael Lee. He is cute, maybe he would look good!!!!!!
Clean it up....the deed of trust isn't a legal issue but I've been told from good authority that the transfer of the deed from Boseman to Medlin is. You can't transfer a deed to someone else (Medlin) when you have a valid contract to purchase (Castillo's). "So, it ain't over yet!" She may lose her law license over this one.
Also was told, the Castillo's went to file a police report but the police wouldn't take it. They said it's a civil matter. So, if there are any contract attorneys willing to do this case probono...please post here!
The republican party spent $75,000 on Lee. I guess what you are saying about the lipstick is that for Lee to have had a chance he should have been a homo.
Well, all that time and effort you put into hating was wasted. Back under the rock from which you crawled, creep.
Boseman on WECT tonight said she "might" transfer the title of the property to the Castillos IF they pay her what is owed.
This poor Mexican family owes close to $40,000. How are they going to pay Julia off?
I'm pretty sure I hate that woman.
I am far from "hating" anyone. Quite the opposite. My passion stems from shedding light on the problems of the community and choosing not to ignore them. I do this because of my love for my neighbors, their children and our citizens. I do this because you won't.
julia won because the Democratic Party of New Hanover County duped enough black people to vote for the racist white woman by ordering their entire Barack flock to vote "straight ticket democrat."
Otherwise, many of these uninformed sheep might have known enough to vote against the white lady of the plantation. Enough to give Lee the victory.
With New Hanover Dems, all that matters is the "D", then you can be a corrupt, racist, polluter, even a rapist...the party would still support you.
Saw this on the web.
Want to know how Senate President Pro Tem Marc Basnight remains in power? It’s simple. He gives large sums of money to the State Democratic Party earmarked for Democrats he wants to win. Basnight gave the state party more than $1 million.
Senate Majority Leader Tony Rand has given more than $370,000. Senate Budget Leader Linda Garrou chipped in almost $200,000 and Finance Chair Dan Clodfelter added another $81,000. And rank and file Senate Democrats are “encouraged” to contribute $25 to $50,000 to the party. Through these earmarked contributions, more than $513,000 has been given to Senator Julia Boseman to prop up her hotly contested election.
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