Better late than never my mother always said.
Julia Boseman was caught in a love triangle between herself, her law partner and her law partner's "life partner" The law partner threatened to expose the affair to Julia's "life partner" Melissa Jarrels. Julia was not only mixed up in the sexual affairs (plural, as in many) she was in the middle of an illegal adoption process swearing that she was a good faithful wife or husband to Ms. Jarrels. When the law partner threatened to expose the affair, Boseman called and left this phone message on the partner's voice mail.
"I've spoken with local and state law enforcement... I will have your law license from you, and follow you around the rest of your life doing whatever I can to make your life a living hell."
Boseman also threatened to withhold money owed until after the adoption is finalized to insure her silence.
The law partner's "life partner," who was also sharing the bed with Senator Boseman, attempted suicide after the affairs were initially uncovered. The responding law enforcement officer to the attempted suicide call is currently the senator's "wife."
Michael Lee's campaign has released a 30 second commercial about this and I'm sure will take several "low blow" accusations. But come on people, this is about the character of the person you have representing you in Raleigh. Seriously don't any of the following matter to those thinking about voting for her?
Sen. Boseman has admitted under sworn testimony that she used illegal drugs while serving as an elected official (drugs she had to buy to use), and, to date, has never called your office to inform you of the names and locations of such drug dealers as to avoid harm to other citizens - or children - in our community; and,
Sen. Boseman has admitted under sworn testimony of an alcohol abuse habit. Yet, Sen. Boseman has not confirmed that her alcohol abuse habit has been arrested; and,
Sen. Boseman has admitted under sworn testimony that she lied to a Court investigator as to her relationships with various sexual partners and her relationship during a Court proceeding trying to ascertain the "best interests of a minor child" for adoption; and,
Sen. Boseman admitted under sworn testimony of violating specific terms of a Custody Order put in place by the Court to protect the "best interests of a minor child"; and,
Sen. Boseman has admitted to local media that she knowingly did not pay her property taxes; and,
Sen. Boseman, according to the State Board of Elections, is currently under investigation for known forgery of election documents.
And Sen. Boseman, according to court testimony, frequently uses the vulgar word "nigger" when talking about African-Americans.
This is the final straw, has to be.
Or is it?
you guys rock!
Thanks, but if you haven't noticed I'm not a guy.
It's about time!!! You go girl!!
From: Packrat37 :)
This is a homophobic attack on a woman that is the beacon of light for gay and lesbian tarheels. If she were straight do you think anyone would have brought up her multiple sexual partners and her abandonment of a family? Absolutely not. If she were straight would anyone care that she cannot live up to obligations such as a child, partner, mortgages, taxes or the film makers she DIDN"T hire to produce her TV commercials?
Stop gay bashing haters!
I find this amusing that someone would consider this gay bashing. And seriously who cares what Sen. Boseman said to an ex girlfriend. This is so rediculous, next thing you know someone will release a sex tape of something that happened in Jamaica.
Clevenative- Are you kidding me? What rock do you live under? If Boseman had been a married man who abandoned his wife & son for a girl 15 years younger, he would have been tarred and feathered by the media. The fact Boseman is gay is the ONLY thing that kept this out of the media because you wouldn't want to look like you are attacking a lesbian.
It's called abuse of power when a political official uses their power to threaten someone. You need to read the transcripts. She threatened her law partner if she revealed Boseman's deceptions before the adoption was finished...which by the way is also illegal. She doesn't have financial problems because of the breakup, she has financial problems because she was buying property using subprime loans. She is part of the mortgage crisis problem.
A you are one of the ONLY gay and lesbian tarheels that think Julia Boseman is a "beacon of light". Most gay people I know are embarrassed by her behavior and you should be too!
I firmly believe that Julia Boseman needs a vacation. Handle pressure much there Julia?
You're almost right...Boseman didn't leave the message in a voicemail, she emailed it to her law partner. The audio is from court. The opposing attorney made her read the email out loud.
Check the transcript to confirm.
So if what you are saying is right, Boseman emailed it instead of leaving it on a voice mail? She can't be that stupid. She put it in writing? So you're telling me she thought about it, proof read it and STILL said what she said? Oh man this keeps getting dumb and dumber. I'll have to look at the transcript. Thanks.
Yes, Clean It Up, that's exactly what I'm saying. It's in the transcripts!! I wouldn't call it dumb...she thinks she can do anything she wants and no one will do anything about it. That's not dumb, that's delusional. Up until now she's been right but I believe her days are numbered and her glass walls are crumbling. Darla Mac, that's for you. Glass, Brick, Wood, or Concrete walls all eventually crumble when they're not built on a solid foundation. A solid foundation of HONESTY, integrity, and a desire to do what is best even when it's uncomfortable. Boseman's foundation is experiencing the tremors of a great earthquake to come.
Oh, and this child she which she so devoted? Did you know she hasn't paid a single penny in child support? Yes, she is a deadbeat "Mom" too. Or is she not a "Mom"? I'm sure Boseman will say the child's mother...wait, father, no REAL MOTHER wouldn't accept child support. So Boseman should be able to show us the trust account where she has deposited her "child support" payments EVERY month for her son. She is a lawyer and she knows that is what lawyers advise their clients to do when the other parent won't accept the support. They tell them to open a trust account and deposit an amount equal to the child support payments every month. That way, they can show the judge they want to support the child but the other parent won't accept it. Then the judge forces the other parent to accept the child support. So Julia, where is your trust account for your son? I'm sure you'll be able to show us the "monthly" payments and not an account with a lump sum deposited by "Mommy Dearest" a month before you have to produce it!
Yes sir, I hear a loud rumble!
Thanks to you, Clean It Up! The earthquake is coming! So, how tall are you anyway?
I'm so tall, I can reach the sky without standing on my tippy-toes.
Trust account from a no account.
Stay tuned for another BIG surprise!
I've only seen the new Lee ad run once on Fox News. TV6 said they would have reaction to it once it began airing. Is it running and I've just missed it? Or has it been pulled?
Even though he has disappeared from the web forever, you can always count Clevenative to be full of crap
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