Donald E. Adkins serves on the NHRMC Foundation Board as Treasurer. He also signed Senator Boseman's campaign finance quarterly report in July 2006. There is no documentation regarding his appointment or his resignation to the post.
I wonder how soon Mr. Adkins will be talking to the NC Board of Elections.
I also wonder if he is concerned with being charged with perjury.
On April 24, 2006 Boseman forged her campaign treasurer's signature to the same quarterly campaign finance report.
On October 14, 2006 an amended report was sent to the BOE with no signature.
What was wrong with that report that caused it to be amended 3 times?
I bet you the guy has no idea what he signed. Julia, ex hospital board member just shoved it in his face and said, "sign it"
Stupid woman.
Sorry Erica
Julia will be re-elected this fall. There isn't a damn thing your homophobia can do about it. Sorry honey, you and the Blue Line loser pals are spinning your wheels.
Go ahead and delete my post now. Pussy.
She may be re-elected this fall but so was Thomas Wright and look where he is today. This has nothing to do with homophobia; of course Julia and her supporters would hope people would think that to deflect from the real issues. Fraud, lying, extortion, abuse of power. Just by reading your words, "pu..." show your lack of character. I suspect the size of your brain and your vocabulary is of similar nature.
How typical of people! I would be willing to bet that "the truth said..." has some sort of political investment in Julia. The facts are in that Julia broke the law...knowlingly! All fo the facts that put Wright and Black behind bars are present in this same case...only the names have changed. To claim that the only reason this is happening is due to Blue Line Radio or people being homophobic is pure blissful ignorance.
How intellignet to conclude the post with "Pussy." Hmmm...calling you homophobic then concluding their little rant with a completely sexist slur. Priceless!
I wasn't aware that Julia has been charged with a crime. Can someone let me know what that is ? Who did she extort money from ? I haven't read about that story.
I'm sorry but just like when i didn't delete the post when a Boseman supporter posted the word "nigger", I won't delete this one using the word "pussy" which by the way is extremely misogynistic. I leave the evidence of the intentional lack of common decency and the use of bigoted language for those fence riders wanting to know the truth.
Blue Line connection? Sure, you got me, "Erica", its all about the Blue Line and Mark Benson. But don't forget the Bible thumpers, the white militia and the republicans, they are all in on it too, along with the Wilmington Journal and Curtis Wright. It's a huge conspiracy! Financed of course by George Bush and Donald Rumsfield. No way just a couple of private citizens with a computer could create this blog. It would have to be some media conglomerate backed by the ultra-right wing demigods. A regular bunch of Swift Boat veterans targeting some innocent woman for being a lesbian. A woman, a lesbian, wanting to steal a child away from his mother.
"Fraud, lying, extortion, abuse of power."
Fraud - forgery of campaign treasurer's signature to a legal document.
Lying - Flip flopping on the use of the "N" word. Failing to disclose numerous sexual affairs in interview with social worker.
Extortion - Threatening to withhold money owed to business partner unless she kept affair a secret until after the adoption goes through.
Abuse of Power - the best example i can think of is the recent hub-bub over clean water legislation. New rules proposed by the N.C. Division of Water Quality to control stormwater runoff within a half-mile of shellfishing waters have been roundly criticized by members of the development community. Who was it Julia was literally in bed with while staying in Raleigh? Oh yeah the lobbyist for the pig farmers. And whose boat was she holding a fundraiser on? Oh yeah the Murphy Farms president's.
We do not tolerate lying. You got something to say, say it but don't lie. We could care less who you think we are, your guesses just prove your ignorance and your desperation. Your IP address has been forwarded on to investigative authorities. The same authorities that are investigating the hacking incidents. Good luck mommas boy!
Funny how liberal swine are always trying to spin their way out of trouble by making up stuff about others in an attempt to deflect attention to their own sin.
Actually it's not funny. What they have done to Melissa Jarrell is a crime. Painting her as a gold digger and an unfit mother may not be criminal in the law books but in my world it is worthy of severe punishment.
The issues are that Julia Boseman violated basic human trust, violated the law and violated ethical rules and regulations. Combine that with the FACT that Julia drinks to excess, is a self admitted drug user, and a philanderer speaks volumes to the accusations still hanging over her head. Accusations such as extortion, forgery, perjury, calling black people the n-word and fraudulently filing false loan applications.
The newest allegation of her law practice dealing in a scam of sub-prime mortgages with clients who were set up to fail by Boseman and the brokers so that the property could be gobbled up at a song just prior to foreclosure.
This is a very interesting entry.
Mr. Adkins is the treasurer of the NHRMC Foundation and perhaps served as secretary before, is that right? (Or some other officer position?)
Here are my questions:
At whose behest did he sign the Senator's campaign forms and in what role was he operating? What was the timing? (I.e., was the senator serving on the board at the same time?) Were the other members of the board of trustees aware he was signing campaign finance documents?
Is the NHRMC Foundation covered by "Directors & Officers Insurance" and does it it cover its officers for for both civil and criminal malfeasance/misfeasance? For intentional, and unintentional behavior? Has the insurance carrier (if it exists) been advised of all the media attention, blog posts, etc. potentially involving a member of the board of trustees? Has the foundation board met to discuss this issue?
Does NHRMC Foundation have a conflict of interest policy or a fiduciary policy? What does it say about the activities/behavior of the board/trustee members both in their roles on the foundation's board of trustees and away from it?
Has anyone attempted to contact the division of the IRS (Dept. of the Treasury - federal) that handles not-for-profits about this whole saga, including the alleged behavior of a foundation's trustee(s)and questioned whether or not the behavior of the trustees is in keeping with the legal requirements and the mission of the tax-exempt entity?
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