Don't you just know there are thousands of Boseman voters wishing they could take their vote back? Payments of over $650 every month by a poor immigrant to Julia Boseman weren't used to pay off Boseman's debt on the property, instead Boseman used the money to pay her mortgage on her million dollar Landfall house. On December 4th the family of the man making those $650 payments could be out on the street.
Hey Julia, why not invite the Castillos to come live with you since they helped pay for it. I dare ya!
Contracts can be found here:
Everything can be found here
Will someone vote her out of office already?
Thank you clean it up! Outstanding job!
Thank Julia, without her scandalous acts of shame there would be nothing to report.
But we do owe a thank you to the Star News for doing their job properly and coming through. You know it was a tough call, they came out in support of Julia and could have very easily sat on it for another day. Hope lives after all in the halls of local journalism.
Thanks WSN. Brace yourself for the shitstorm. Especially if it cost Boseman the prize.
private contract with owner financing....what exactly is the problem here?....perfectly legal and not required to be recorded....again, what is your problem with julia?
Problem with Julia? Moi? My problem is with you and those like you that excuse a creep like that hoodwinking a poor guy like that. You do realize that your Julia used his money to pay her mortgage.
Sleeping with a lobbyist.
Self admitted drug user.
Lied to the social services people.
Drunken display at a senate function in Charlotte.
Forging BOE documents.
Extorting her law partner by threatening not to pay money owed unless she remained silent about affair.
Using out of state film production company to produce her commercials.
Dumping a woman and child she said she was committed to simply for sex with multiple partners.
Refusing to pay her taxes.
Encouraging her clients to enter into liar loans and subprime mortgages.
Calling african americans niggers.
And you voted for her....
Irregardless? More informed? Try Webster's and get back to us. In the meantime, the rest of us will get out the vote for Michael Lee.
Great work, some politicaljunkie put this info on the News and Observer website, Under the Dome.
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