You can call RCB Centura who holds the mortgage. Contact the bank's attorneys in Rocky Mount,
and you can try talking Sheriff Ingram into giving the family some time before he kicks them out of their house. Chicago's Cook County Sheriff suspended enforcing foreclosures because of just such circumstances.
You can also contact the news media all over the state to make sure they know what is going on.
Be sure to tell them that Miss Julia sees this as a political football, "WWAY did talk with Senator Boseman about the situation. She said, “I am pretty confident it's going to be worked out with the bank. You know it's unfortunate to use their life as a political ball. I think they don't appreciate that and I don't either.”"
I believe she has to be the worst person in the world.
By the way, anyone notice the pictures both WWAY and WECT have of the property? If you'll look closely you will see that it is raining. These video images were taken PRIOR to election day. They held the story!
Clean It Up- You're right, it was raining when they showed the Castillo's home. So do you think they deliberately kept it out of the news until AFTER the election? Wonder why a TV NEWS station would do that?
Good work!
I hope we can get enough people to speak out about this to save their home.
Do you know why the BOE would scan a letter they received in July after the October reports?
Could it be they didn't receive the letter until October?
Look at this
Maybe you can shed some light on this.
WECT's coverage of this story post-election was pathetic, period.
HEY JULIA, if you're reading this --I SUPPORTED and stood up for you against a lot of people in this town when they called you unethical, a shame to the gay community, etc...Again, I took your side over and over. Then THIS story. HEY JULIA, what you did was WRONG. HEY JULIA, you can't screw with people lives. HEY JULIA, how do you sleep at night?
Was Tom Keating staying in the condo in the Mayfaire that Julia holds the Deed of Trust on and transferred the title to her mother in April???
You/they might try and click on the "report mortgage fraud" button. That website is a national clearing house - type thing.
Oh, here's another possibility...
For Release: May 17, 2005
FTC and Law Enforcement Partners Continue Targeting Scammers of Spanish-Speakers
(includes mortgage fraud...)
According to the letter he was staying in the condo when he "first moved" to Wilmington and it was owned by Julia's mother. Then he said he made the mistake and thought the campaign was supposed to pay her "fair market" value of the rent. Sound familiar? Wasn't Boseman paying the lobbyist "fair market value for staying in her house? I have some questions:
1. Where is the canceled check to the lobbyist?
2. What date did it clear the bank?
3. Why is Keating's letter dated July scanned in the system in October and not July?
4. Why wasn't there a "RECIEVED STAMP" date and time stamp on the letter?
5. When was he staying in the condo? If it was before April then Boseman AND her mother owned the condo.
6. If Keating accidentally paid Boseman's mother $1500.00 Ann Boseman rent and it was her "INTENTION" to donate the rent to the campaign as a like kind contribution....This is the biggest question of all...Why in the HELL did she cash it?
I would like the BOE to answer those questions!!!
Looks to me like even the board that governs the crooks are crooks too!
One more question.
What date did Ann Boseman reimburse the campaign? Let's see the date that check cleared the bank!
They're all crooks!
I've seen that letter before and believe I commented on it when Julia was bunking with the lobbyist in Raleigh.
It was around the time of the Felon's fundraiser that Ann Boseman got involved in the repayment of the $1,500. The campaign paid the rent, then Ann repaid the campaign.
And yes the condo was in Mayfaire.
I have to admit that at the time it looked like an honest transaction to me. .. but what do I know.
Thanks for the link to
Doing a great job el fantasma!
Hey disappointed-dismayed-disquested, did you think people were making this stuff up about Boseman. Why did it take Boseman defauding a family out of their home for you to come around? Didn't the threat to her law partner, her sleeping around, admitted drug use and alcohol abuse, racial slurs, cheating on her partner and son, forged documents, and the numerous foreclosures give you a clue. Now she is again representing us in Raleigh. Get your head out of the sand. She is a bad person and people are finally getting the truth. Like her political ad stated "that's just Julia".
Her political ad she paid an out of state production company to produce.
DISAPPOINTED-DISMAYED-DISGUESTED, it is sad for those of you that are/were close to her. Not to mention the embarrassment she must be to her family. I'm sorry, she is a real piece of work.
Anonymous - I did not ever think that people were "making stuff up" about Boseman. I simply was being compassionate to someone I did not know. I assumed she was going thru a very bad personal period in her life. Human beings make choices that have consequences I believe. Affairs, divorice, lost homes - it happens to all walks of lives. It doesn't mean you're scum, either. Life happens. I don't think of myself as having my head in the sand. But I do think you have poor manners. Good night.
I call it like I see it. I find it funny that you supported Boseman after knowing about her indiscretions yet you say I have bad manners. Did it ever occur to you that a persons true character is revealed during troubled times. Your statement "life happens" regarding Boseman's poor character expalins it all. Maybe you should have should have shown compassion to the people she hurt instead.
I'm disgusted! I work with Chrystal and just heard her and Julia Boseman are flying to the Bahamas for Thanksgiving!! They're going to the Atlantis. Can you believe it? This family is losing their home and she is still living her elaborate life style! I hope this family sues her!
The sugar mama has to keep the gravy train running or little miss Medlin might just jump off. My opinion is that Medlin is just as conniving as Boseman. Since you work with her I'm curious, what do you think of Medlin? I hope they are both sued.
She is young, naive, and easily influenced. She should be sued since Boseman transferred the house to her. It would be a hard lesson but one she will learn sooner or later.
I don't think she is as naive as she makes out. And in my opinion the only thing that influences her is money. I've heard stories of her cheating on her husband, lesbian partners (at least two) and using people to get what she wants. Maybe those people are wrong, but "birds of a feather flock together". You work at the Police Dept what is the word on how she got the vice position when there were more quaified officers who applied.
I'd pay good money to someone to go get pictures of the two of them frolicking on the beach or in the casino after having the Castillos thrown out on the street. Who'll chip in?
She's going to the Bahamas for Thanksgiving?! Have any of you wondered: "offshore bank account?"
That's a thought. I want to know if she showed up at the Brunswick County hearing today?
Anyone know?
Jesus, you hateful pricks should all consider counseling. Get a life, you pent-up retards.
Whew...."Methinks the lady doth protest too much...."
Oh, and wasn't an earlier segment long ago on campaign donor Mark Griffis? Doesn't he and/or his partner have a residence in the Bahamas? Any connection?
I know ladies, and SHE is no lady!
David Robertson, domestic partner of convicted felony forger Mark Griffis is in fact a resident of St Thomas USVI.
WWAY is reporting that the foreclosure on the property has been dismissed. No reason found.
I got a reason, how about public scrutiny?
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