Julia is going to let go of her seat in Raleigh and give it to Billy Saffo, she has her eye on Richard Burr's seat in the US Senate. A recent poll by the respected, non-partisan group Rasmussen found Burr ahead of longtime Secretary of State Elaine Marshall 48% to 38% and ahead of Congressman Bob Etheridge 48% to 34%. Burr is pro-life, supports the death penalty, and favors a Constitutional amendment banning gay marriage. Burr also co-sponsored a bill prohibiting the creation of human-animal hybrids. He is ranked as the 3rd most conservative senator. In July 2004, Burr won the Republican primary to seek the U.S. Senate seat being vacated by Democrat John Edwards, who launched a presidential campaign. He faced Democratic party nominee Erskine Bowles and Libertarian Tom Bailey.
Burr won the election by five percentage points. Bowles' and Burr's combined campaign expenditures totaled over $26 million, making it one of the most expensive Senate races in the country. Boseman is seen by the Democrats as one of the only candidates that can raise that kind of money to attempt to beat Burr out of his seat.
And if you ask me, the outcome is in the hands of the gods. It's like a page out of Greek folklore.
Sappho (pronounced /saffo/ in English); was an Ancient Greek poet, born on the island of Lesbos. Her birth was sometime between 630 and 612 BC, and it is said that she died around 570 BC, but little is known for certain about her life. The bulk of her poetry, which was well-known and greatly admired throughout antiquity, has been lost, but her immense reputation in taking the pleasure of the sexual relationships with women has endured through surviving fragments. The adjectives deriving from her name and place of birth (Sapphic and Lesbian) came to be associated with female homosexuality.
If I was to wager a hefty sum, I would bet that if Saffo were to win the upcoming Mayoral race he would replace Julia and the council would replace Saffo with Laura Padgett. If Saffo were to lose then Julia would do the smart thing and put Commissioner Jonathan Barfield, Jr., an African American in Raleigh. Wouldn't that be a kick in the pants and make some ammends for all that "N" word mess she is guilty of.
My guess is that Saffo wins, voter turnout will be extremely low, the offer to Barfield wins her points, it's the thought that counts you know, with the black voters.
Julia will go on to carry her new baby around with her for the next year, stumping any and every liberal event in the state talking about how she has been the target of rightwing conspirators because she is a lesbian, a mother and fellow tax dodger, I mean person of limited means.
Any indictment, spanking by the Board of Elections for past sins will all better her position as martyr. With Bill Clinton at her side come next November she will quite possibly take Burr in a tight election.
she will not be able to beat burr because of the backlash against the demos.
Vote for Saffo! We need him in Raleigh and away from Wilmington the altrnative is worse.
Don't know about the 'limited means' comment. It appears she just re-sodded her front yard and did some landscaping. (I.e., seasonal flowers.) Is her house on Verrazzano still for sale?
Someone said that she is up for a cabinet position?!!@?
Is there a GBLT cabinet position
Boseman's house seems to still be for sale.
Has Julia and her wife had that baby yet?
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