The Independent, a liberal weekly publication out of the Durham area did a feature story on our own Senator Julia Boseman. The coverstory is written by Steven Petrow who is a regular blogger at The Huffington Post. He's also a past president of the National Lesbian & Gay Journalists Association. He covered the health beat for nearly twenty years for print, online, radio and television outlets and now he covers (up) Julia.
Wouldn't it be great if someone did a real story on the skanky b*tch? Besides me of course! :)
Anyway if you want to read the propaganda piece glorifying the witch, be my guest, you can find it here. The piece even has quotes by Bill Clinton on how great Booseman is. Be sure to leave your comments, you know she is proud of it and has sent out emails linking it to her support base.
Is there no end to this madness? Why is this woman so popular? Is it because she admits to crimes against nature/cunnilingus? Is that it? I mean what other possible thing is there? It's not like she has actually done anything.
She seems to be alright with me, a little old for my taste, kind of has that old woman saggy skin, must be the sun damage. So I guess Id do her.
? Do her? you must be butch!
Why is everyone so upset with Julia? She is only doing what the majority of Washington has always done, only she is a woman. Is it her gender that holds her to a higher level of morality?
Her gender? Is RC Soles a woman? Is Thomas Wright? Decker? Jim Black? Give me a break.
Boseman needs to go and she will, her girlfriend has a gun.
Exactly my point. With the exception of R.C.Soles, where is all the hate blogs from this site concerning Thomas Wright? Decker? Jim Black? What about Easley? Love Child and Land Deals and not one word on his behavior?
All I'm saying is Julia may not be doing everything right and she certainly has managed to screw some things up, but at least she has the balls to admit to her mistakes and stand up for what she belives in.
Love child? Easley has a bastard? Someone call the N&O.
Heee heee hee you said Julia has balls.
i dont care if boseman is a man or a woman, what i care about is honesty and decency neither of which this turd of a person possess.
It is so scary that there has not been further investigation of an avid anti gun advocate that brought a firearm into action so quickly.
Why, afte looking for freedom of information act is there so little information?
This guy is dirty. Just like Pelosi with her Marshal license to carry.
What a bunch of hycoprits.
Like its frigging cool to be gay... I am going to stand on top of a table and scream " I AM A HETEROSEXUAL" nobody gives a shit! keep your skank munching escapades behind your bedroom door snagletooth.
Any guesses as to the sperm donor for the bastard child??? heres one for y'all, Inside information is pointing to a New Hanover area Republican... Figure that one out!
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