A man who spoke with reporters says RC Soles raped him when he was 13. The now 47 year old said that the Senator got him drunk at Soles' lakefront house and raped him.
Don Carrington of the Carolina Journal broke this story on October 28. The man claimed Soles gave the 13 year old a ride that ended up at Soless' 4,000 sq foot house in Tabor City. This very blogsite reported that a man recalled the day that the senator gave him a ride as a teenager and propositioned him. You can find the story here.
Let's all hope that Senator Soles receives all the attention he deserves and then some.
predertory homos suck
That dummy looks a lot like Frog.
the picutre is dicusting!
i cant find a way to contact you via this blog so hopefully youll get this here.
im interested in having you do a daily or at least bi-weekly commentary/ post on a website based in southeastern NC. please get in touch with me via the contact page (on the top menu bar) on my URL link. Ive had a link to your page since I found it months ago.
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