Mizz Julia's latest campaign finance report came in covering the last quarter of her campaign. What a whore.
She raised a total of $555,475.69 from PACs. She received a total of $86,285.00 from other political committees. To put that into perspective, her republican opponent raised only $77,500.00 from PACs and $4,700 from other political committees. Yeah she doesn't owe anyone any favors. The whore.
Wanna know where that money went?
Hollis Briggs, african american community organizer, $6,800.
Justin Tzuanos, guitarist from Florida, $2,184.
Suzanne Summerlin, attorney from the same address as Tzuanos, $1,190.
Rep. Sandra Hughes, african american candidate for House of Representives, $300. (one week before the election, mighty white of ya Jules!)
Lucia S. Messina, paid democratic hack who once said in a letter to the editor that she is voting democrat because, "I want a Party that doesn't talk about when life begins or who is more patriotic. She got $750.
And my favorite sucker of all, Russell H. Holt a self reported film worker that received $60 from Mizz Booseman's campaign. Now why am I calling him a sucker? Because...
Dixon / Davis Media Group LLC received over $250,000 to produce Mizz Hoseman's TV commercials. Who is Dixon / Davis Media Group LLC? an OUT OF STATE film production company. Why is that important? Because the good and loyal senator lobbied the state to provide taxpayer incentives to film companies in order to provide work for the skilled film workers in Wilmington. And here she goes pumping a quarter of a million into a Washington, DC company's pants pocket. Sorry Johnny.
Certainly the half of a million dollars the good and loyal senator spent with Media Strategies and Research out of Colorado could not have been paid to someone in Wilmington, or anywhere in North Carolina. What did they do you ask? They bought air time on WECT and WWAY. You remember the on the spot reporting they did right? I remember one hard cutting expose that I covered right here on this blog.
The good news is that the last quarter of the campaign saw no money raised by the big fat cat democrats at her infamous Raleigh fundraiser and that for the entire 3 month period Mizz Julia raised a total of only $4,200 from private individuals. She got 10 times more than that last election from the Carter family last year. Six to one PAC vs private individuals.
Michael Lee received $9,982.36 this quarter (twice that of Boseman) for a total of $157,042.21. He received a total of $86,200 from PACs. Julia? over $600,000 from PACs and $176,029.12 from individuals, many of whom are from out of state and represent a bigoted/ biased agenda.
I voted for Michael Lee because he was a republican. i didn't vote for Julia Boseman because of her PAC connections. I wish Lee would have taken a stand against Titan and I wish he would have had more money from the republican party to let people know what sort of guy he is. Democrat friends of mine might have switched their vote had they have felt comfortable with Lee. None were too pleased with Boseman's scandals but they felt the devil you know is better than the devil you dont know. Keep up the good work!
i think everyone on the list of contributers should be contacted and asked why, what were they thinking?
The list of contributors giving to Boseman is not worth the effort. I rather suggest contacting the list of Michael Lee supporters thanking them for their support. It is those people that are strong advocates of change. They are the ones who will fight the power and work hard to uphold honesty and ethical public service.
Contact them, give them a thanks. Or better yet, why not figure out a way to get an ad printed in the paper (Wilmington Journal) listing the names thanking each one.
I'll pitch in $100.
That explains why Julia Boseman had so much PAC money donated!
Clean It Up, go back and read the transcript again. I downloaded it from your website when you had it online and have done some investigation into this issue on my own. It isn't a corrupt clerk; it's a corrupt judge in Durham County. This issue is deep and someone needs to get it out there.
Look at the first transcript. See normally adoptions are filed and the clerk of court signs the adoption papers. After the clerk signs, then it's sent to DHHS for a new birth certificate. Then DHHS would issue the new birth certificate with both parents name and send it back to the clerk. Here is the problem.
Approximately 300 same sex adoptions were signed-not by the clerk of court, but a Durham County JUDGE. The clerk then sent them to DHHS for the new birth certificate but DHHS wouldn't issue the new birth certificates because the birth parent had NOT terminated their parental rights as required by NC Legislative Law. They returned them to the clerk saying they are not valid and the parental rights need to be terminated.
After about 300 invalid adoptions were sent to DHHS (ONLY FROM DURHAM COUNTY) The clerk stopped sending the adoption papers to DHHS. Now, the clerk just files them in a filing cabinet in the clerk of courts office.
DHHS does not recognize the adoptions as valid because they aren't!!
Now, go look at your transcripts. Ms. Jarrell subpoenaed the clerk of court from Durham County because she needed the clerk’s testimony to say they don't send them to DHHS because DHHS was returning them as against NC Legislative Law. Grady Ballentine for the North Carolina Department of Justice was there to quash a subpoena for the clerk of Durham County.
Then Mr. Martin, Jarrell’s attorney, says the only reason they are subpoenaing the Clerk is because the clerk REFUSED to cooperate with a deposition. Then Mr. Martin said the clerk originally said he were willing to sign an affidavit but later recanted.
Mr. Martin continues to explain a Judge signed the adoption, not the clerk so they are not questioning the Clerks judicial decisions.
In the transcript, he provides the Judge with a transcript of Tammy Johnson’s (a supervisor at DHHS) sworn testimony in which she states they sent those adoptions back to the clerk because they are not compliant with NC Legislative Law because the parental rights of the biological mother wasn't severed.
Ms. Johnson’s sworn testimony continues to say they received those types of adoptions only from Durham County for about 4 or 5 months. Then she sent a letter directly to Mr. Cook, the Durham County Clerk, stating the adoptions are not compliant with NC Law and would not be indexed. After that, they never received another same sex adoption from Durham County.
This testimony was critical for Ms. Jarrell to prove the fraudulent adoption wasn't valid. Of course, it was just as critical for Ms. Boseman to not have the testimony heard because then she wouldn't have a custody case if the adoption wasn't legal.
Go back and read it. I'll summarize the ending. The Judge, Lillian Jordan, quashed the subpoena. Then Judge Jordan decided the adoption was valid because it was signed by another JUDGE. So it is another corrupt Judge and corrupt clerk.
Now, Ms. Jarrell has appealed the adoption on the grounds it isn’t valid. Since Ms. Boseman is part of the Legislative body that makes NC Law, she is well aware the adoption isn't legal.
If the court of appeals upholds this adoption, even though it's against NC Law, then it sets a precedent in NC. ALL OTHER ILLEGAL adoptions could be upheld because of this case.
Now, here is the rub. Boseman couldn't come out and write a bill for same sex adoption. That would be too straight forward but to illegally adopt her partner’s child and then challenge it all the way to the Court of Appeals. DO YOU THINK THE GAY AND LESBIAN ORGANIZATIONS WOULD GIVE HER MONEY TO MAKE THESE ADOPTIONS LEGAL?
You betcha...at the expense of a child.
The citizens of North Carolina should shout this story to the roof. If you want to make same sex adoption legal, then do it the right way.
Just because you can google doesn't mean you're an investigative journalist.
Justin Tzuanos is a political organizer who has worked on various campaigns from the AFL-CIO to AFT. Tzuanos organized the very successful field campaign that lead to Senator Boseman's re-election.
Suzanne Summerlin is a media relations specialist and former investigative journalist who was paid to help train volunteers and speak to community members. She is not the attorney (who lives in Las Vegas) that comes up first when you google that name.
Russell Holt was among dozens of paid volunteers, why aren't you listing all their names?
Get your story straight, check your facts, your arguments will be stronger for it and you'll avoid a lawsuit.
That last comment sounds like a threat. Could that be the infamous Julia Boseman herself? Reminds me of the threat to her employee/lover in the transcripts.
Actually I'm just one of dozens of volunteers and one of the many thousands of people who saw through the bias and bull and voted for Julia based on her record of support for Wilmington's film and education (professional, progressive industries) ... and saw Michael Lee as an enemy to the environment for supporting Titan and threatening to destroy the money that film brings to our community.
Better luck next time, but your arguments in this post are off base. Julia raised more money because she had more support. That's how politics works, and it doesn't make her a bad person ... or a whore. For a woman you throw that word around an awful lot.
Some more education about you. Pretty much every film, tv commercial and series shot in Wilmington is produced by an out-of-state company. You think HBO is opening a NC HQ? No. Of course not.
It's the local JOBS produced during the shoot that bring so much money in. But we all know the production companies are all based in NYC, LA or DC. And that's why the checks are written to those firms.
If you're going to talk like you know something, educate yourself. Don't get so caught up in your blind hatred that you grasp at straws to create controversy. You're really going to have to step up your game to prove anything real.
She raised more money because the Gay and Lesbian Victory Fund funneled it through the Democratic Party. Need I remind you, she barely won the election as a Democratic incumbent when the Democratic Presidential election was a landslide. She squeaked by only because of straight ticket voters. So no, you're wrong. She didn't win because people saw wanted her back, she won because voters wanted Obama. Those are the facts.
By the way, I never use the w... word so I dont' know who you think I am, but you are wrong.
the original blogger repeatedly used the word 'whore' in reference to Senator Boseman, which is pretty shameful.
I know what I am talking about Bitch!
Pronunciation: \ˈhȯr, ˈhu̇r\
Etymology: Middle English hore, from Old English hōre; akin to Old Norse hōra whore, hōrr adulterer, Latin carus dear — more at charity
1: a woman who engages in sexual acts for money : prostitute ; also : a promiscuous or immoral woman
2: a male who engages in sexual acts for money
3: a venal or unscrupulous person
It's the local JOBS produced during the shoot that bring so much money in. But we all know the production companies are all based in NYC, LA or DC. And that's why the checks are written to those firms.
What local jobs did the out of state company give to local people and how much money did they make? 5% of the total? 3%? How much went out of state? 90%, 95%, 97%?
Why is it that with all the film people in Wilmington, Julia couldn't find a single person to produce her commercials? 100% vs 3%
So wait. gays and lesbians aren't people? or Obama voters aren't people?
Did you pay attention to prop 8 in California? Obama supporters weren't exactly friendly to gay rights.
So if she can win in spite of 1) major personal scandal and 2) an influx of voters who are homophobic ... I would say pretty much any win is a big one.
The bottom line is she won. get over it. the person with the most money usually does win. that's politics. if more people supported Lee (with cashy money) he would have one. next time run someone better than Lee (who supports big industries with thousands of workers like film... those workers make great, UNION, salaries and pump that money back into the local economy)
And whoever this blogger is. Your profanity just makes you look immature. As if your inability to properly read a pac report didn't already. It's clear you're new to this whole politics thing. Your 'damn the man' attitude is admirable, and something I would usually support, but you must always have your facts straight. That is rule one.
By piecing together information without actually double checking facts you weaken your whole argument. Using profane colloquialisms won't help either. Run down to UNCW and take a journalism class. Might as well sign up for one on economics and civics too. You have a lot to learn.
"(who supports big industries with thousands of workers like film... those workers make great, UNION, salaries and pump that money back into the local economy)"
Holy Christ woman please! Thousands of workers? Try a couple of hundred, locally.
Get your facts straight beeeatch!
And another thing, tell your daughter hello for me!~
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