"The film industry is vital to the economy of our state, especially in southeastern North Carolina. By extending these tax credits and expanding some of them, we will continue to attract big productions, independent films, and television series that create jobs within North Carolina and promote our state in a positive light." Senator Julia Boseman's 7/08/08 press release.
Senator Boseman's claim to local fame is her push to gain legislative support for the North Carolina film industry yet when it comes to her own campaign Boseman hired an out of state production company to create her television advertisements. Ads that tout her accomplishments in bringing jobs to the local film community. Ads produced by a Washington, DC company which also did work for Kay Hagan.
Senator Boseman spent $33,897 this past quarter with a company that one would assume pays taxes outside of this state. (she also spent almost $95,000 printing and mailing with another out of state company) Sure there were a few local crew members utilized as laborers but that's not where the money went. It went out of state. I'm sure with a google search or by talking with people in the State's professional film community one would find that there are local and state production companies capable of producing these commercials and capable of doing Kay Hagan's as well. Yet if we believe these out of state produced commercials making claims that Julia is the champion of all things local when it comes to the film industry, we ignore the struggling film workers donating their money to her campaign, money which was paid to a company in DC. And it is Julia Boseman that called on an out-of-state company to produce her campaign commercials breaking the trust hundreds of film workers. She was the pit bull they relied upon to keep it local, my God she even enacted a highly controversial taxpayer incentive Bill then pays other people outside this sate to do her commercials. So what did Julia do? She gave work away instead of helping to feed those who helped get her elected. Sort of like her calling her African American constituents the "N" word. Leading by example? Being honest? Shameful.

So far, Boseman says the effect on her district has been easy to see. A man recently approached her at an event at Screen Gems and thanked her for making it possible for him to find work that lets him stay with his family. "It's been very rewarding to me to help bring jobs back home that we had lost," she says. Indyweek
"It's a great state," NC Film Commissioner Aaron Lee Syrett says of North Carolina. "They (NC) have a deep infrastructure, and that's one of the things that really excite me." He says the incentive package "just shows me the state's commitment to this industry." Indyweek
"And it was Julia who wrote and passed laws to help our film industry right here in Wilmington."
Jason Rosin
IATSE 491 Local Union
Wilmington, NC
Star News
This is going to be very bad for morale for the film community, because people are seriously going to be looking at living elsewhere..." said Bill Vassar of Screen Gems. Wilmington Star News
She's done. You ruined her with this one.
A friend worked on Michael Lee's commercial and although the production company is based out of Raleigh, everyone involved was from Wilmington. He also said that some people from Wilmington worked on the Boseman commercial the main people making the money were in fact from out of state. My friend voted already for Boseman because he said she was fighting for the local film people.
It has just come to my attention that RC Soles also used an out of state production company to create his TV commercials. Senator Soles campaign paid $5,200 to Envisions Communications out of Maryland to do his commercial. Envision lists the North Carolina Senate Caucus as a client.
For those keeping score at home, Michael Mills and Bettie Fennel used the same production company out of Raleigh.
Again anonymous, there is no intent to "ruin" anyone on this blog site. In this situation the candidate is doing a fairly good job doing it too herself. I am not making any of this up so I'm just the messenger.
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