Monday, May 3, 2010


Boseman pal Rusty Carter of the Tabor City Carter family, the creators of RC Soles gave Miss Julia over $100,000 via various employees and family members, including his then 9 year old daughter whom according to Missy's campaign finance report gave $4,000 out of her piggy bank.

So now Rusty was caught buying influence from Boseman, Basnight and Perdue.

Julia needs to return the hundred grand.

Now what interests me is Carter pleading guilty to three charges, THREE! That would be one per candidate. Who worked up this plea? District Attorney Ben David, yep the same DA who went to the Boseman fund raiser held at a convicted felon's million dollar home. Of course there will be no prison time given to Carter and Im certain the fine will be short the hundreds of thousands he handed out to see to it his candidates were elected. If God is with us She will see to it that Carter has to pay a fine equal to the amount gave away for favors or at least do some serious community service time wearing a vest that says "I am worse than a crack dealer".

Someone should look up EVERY ONE of his government contracts his company Atlantic Distributors has with both the feds and the state.

GSA# GS-02F-0041W

SIN's 617-3 & 617-4


Federal ID# 560797402

DUNS# 003193919

Atlantic can also be found on the Federal Buyer Guide at

Friday, January 29, 2010


In a perfect world loving lesbian couples will make a commitment to live together, neither will cheat, neither will lie, neither will become manipulative or violent, couples will live, till death do they part.

Unfortunately the real world is that one of the partners will cheat, lie, steal and trick the other partner into becoming pregnant and finding a cooperative judge to circumvent the law allowing a faux joint custody arrangement and that leads to trouble when the couple split.

This is what happened to Julia Boseman, she lied and cheated her way into having her partner become pregnant and give birth to a baby boy. The law states that the birth mother has full custodial rights because the law states for another person to adopt a child the birth mother has to either be married to the person making the application for adoption or give up all rights. Since the law does not allow for same sex marriages and since Julia's partner did not relinquish her rights, Senator Boseman has no legal rights to the child. None!

The Supreme Court of North Carolina will hear the case and make a ruling on whether or not Ms. Boseman can lay claim to parental rights. If the Court rules against Boseman, over 300 other lesbian couples who have snuck into the Durham Court to circumvent a law by appearing in front of one judge who was sympathetic to the lesbians wishing to have a child together and enjoy similar rights to heterosexual couples where one may be a step-father of the child and legally adopt. This ruling will not effect gay male couples because neither would be the birth mother. This only involves lesbian couples in which one of the partners is the actual birth mother. Lesbian couples can still adopt if the child's birth mother abandons her rights, such as what happens in most adoption cases we are all familiar with.

Should Boseman become a District Court Judge she could very easily become just like the judge in Durham that did these illegal adoptions for lesbian couples from all around the state. This is what I feel is her motivation to run for judgeship, to circumvent the law, the legal process, the legislative branch to make law herself by making decisions in court. Something to think about.

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