Monday, May 3, 2010


Boseman pal Rusty Carter of the Tabor City Carter family, the creators of RC Soles gave Miss Julia over $100,000 via various employees and family members, including his then 9 year old daughter whom according to Missy's campaign finance report gave $4,000 out of her piggy bank.

So now Rusty was caught buying influence from Boseman, Basnight and Perdue.

Julia needs to return the hundred grand.

Now what interests me is Carter pleading guilty to three charges, THREE! That would be one per candidate. Who worked up this plea? District Attorney Ben David, yep the same DA who went to the Boseman fund raiser held at a convicted felon's million dollar home. Of course there will be no prison time given to Carter and Im certain the fine will be short the hundreds of thousands he handed out to see to it his candidates were elected. If God is with us She will see to it that Carter has to pay a fine equal to the amount gave away for favors or at least do some serious community service time wearing a vest that says "I am worse than a crack dealer".

Someone should look up EVERY ONE of his government contracts his company Atlantic Distributors has with both the feds and the state.

GSA# GS-02F-0041W

SIN's 617-3 & 617-4


Federal ID# 560797402

DUNS# 003193919

Atlantic can also be found on the Federal Buyer Guide at


Anonymous said...

And Bev (governor) and Marc Basnight think it should be a felony to give illegal campaign money even though both graciously accepted the money. go figure

Anonymous said...

Speaking of clean-ups: how did NH County get away with having the corruption at the ABC Board investigated by the County Manager, under who's nose the corruption took place. Why did NH County allow over $100,000.00 paid to attorney George Rountree to represent the corrupt ABC Board? Because according to the "investigation", there was no wrongdoing! So why did they need George?! Why did HE need to make their public statements, including their mass resignation ("over misunderstandings") right before they were to have been publicly questioned by the County Board. And Mr County Manager remains intact, with nobody seeing the irony of this whitewash! Between the county manager and the overpaid bag-of-wind Mr Rountree (my clients are INNOCENT I say!) the entire sordid dealings of the ABC Operations (culminating with this heart-tugger---Mr. Billy Williams in among the TOP FIVE PENSIONERS in the entire state of NC! Hey Mr District Attorney---now that you've taken care of the Rusty Carter cover-up, how about you wrestle some indictments up for the ABC "misunderstandings" (violations of state laws and blatant disregard for ethics and morality). Will be great to watch the problems swept under that growing carpet of lies and secrets buried in the hallowed halls of Wilmington Government!

Eben though you seem pissed at Julia, these hetero white guys are just as stinky! Go get 'em!

Anonymous said...


Name: James Kent Boseman

Location: Wilmington, North Carolina

Age: 59 years

Processing Date: 04-22-2013

Alleged Violation:
