Thursday, August 14, 2008

Senator Boseman One of a Kind

The Wilmington Journal
is still on Senator Boseman's behind jabbing a pointy stick in the fleshy meat and drawing a bit of blood because the senator has promised and failed to deliver loyalty to those African Americans who pushed her over, beating Woody White in an extremely close election. With 40% of Boseman's votes coming from the black community, Sen. Boseman repays them by using the "N-word" around a child living in her home.

I was watching the show Boondocks this week, in the show a white teacher uses the word "nigga" as he addressed a black kid. Perhaps Julia's reason for using the word has to do with a belief that she considers herself (nearly) black because she can "identify" with vocal hate against African Americans by being a lesbian (dyke), the (I was born gay) discrimination and can justify the use of the word "nigga" instead of "nigger" as a term of hip association. "Bitch you always be my nigga!"

This week, the Journal has once again reported on the "N-word" issue by interviewing one of Boseman's ex-partner's attorneys.

"[Ms. Dunn] knew that unless someone was willing to testify about what their concerns were, and what the fears were for [Boseman's adopted child], that the court would not be aware of that information. It wasn't easy for [Dunn], and she has every reason, really, to not participate because of her loyalties and her friendships with Ms. Boseman. But she did it because she felt like it was the right thing to do for [the child]."

On cross-examination with Boseman's attorney, Jim Lea, Dunn maintained that Boseman uttered racial slurs, that "Melissa always got on her about it," and Boseman "thinks she's better than black people"

If attorney Lea was trying to disprove Dunn's sworn allegations against his client, his cross-examination, according to the court transcript, only helped to enhance Dunn's contention.

Attorney Fritscher said the numerous use of racial slurs by Boseman in front of the minor child was just "one of [Dunn's concerns." Dunn also gave sworn testimony during the child custody trial that Sen. Boseman would also drive after drinking excessively.

Fritscher said Boseman's erratic behavior "several times had come up in my conversations with Melissa in terms of things [Boseman] would say in front of the child that Melissa thought was disturbing."

Fritscher said Jarrell alleged that her former companion used "all offensive language" around the child.

"Melissa would not expose the child, or have anyone else expose the child in that way. She wouldn't tolerate it. That's not how she raises [the child]."

When asked if she was surprised by the allegations of foul language from Sen. Boseman around the child, attorney Fritscher replied, "I was taken aback for a number of reasons, but also not shocked in terms of what I already knew to be concerns about Ms. Boseman."

But then, almost as soon as she said that she wasn't shocked, attorney Fritscher then immediately amended her comment.

"I was shocked that took place in front of the child," Fritscher said declaratively.

Fritscher said Bobbie Lou Dunn had nothing to gain by getting involved in the Boseman-Jarrell trial.

In fact, the young woman had a lot to lose.

"Ms. Dunn is in a same-sex partnership; she has children with her partner, and she was the non-biological parent of those children, so there were some legal repercussions in this case that could have affected her legal status negatively, and yet she still felt like it was important enough to testify about her concerns," Fritscher said.

I find it disturbing that John Edwards can admit to cheating on his dying wife and Boseman can't admit to saying a racial slur.

Raise your hand if any of you have NEVER intentionally said a racial slur in a mean spirited manner. Only one hand? Okay Senator Boseman is the ONLY person in the room that never said the word nigger.