Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Boseman - The Crying Game

"As a result of a failed personal relationship, properties that I jointly owned have entered foreclosure and the first was auctioned today," said Senator Boseman in a statement issued to WECT on Wednesday.

The senator goes on to say, "Anyone who has gone through or stood by someone going through something similar understands the deeply personal and difficult issues involved."

"Failed personal relationship"

When someone causes a personal relationship to fail by abandoning it, yeah that's sad, for ones left behind.

"properties that I jointly owned have entered foreclosure"

Properties that were highly leveraged, speculative investments that became bogged down in the collapse of the real estate market in which favorable 1.75% ARM jumbo loans spiraled upwards and became more than the cost of just doing business as usual, so Senator rather that pay the bank back, you took vacations, bought expensive toys, million dollar house, car, boat, wife and defaulted on the loans in order to maintain an extravagant lifestyle, of which you have become accustomed.

"Anyone who has gone through or stood by someone going through something similar understands the deeply personal and difficult issues involved."

Ah sure, we've all seen a train wreck at the coo-coo nest crossing. ON TV! Sure, happens all the time in wierd, crazy people's lives. In fact I used to read a lot about this exact same thing in People Magazine about that poor Britney girl.

Are you Britney y'all?

Or are you just the typical self destructive, compulsive liar with a serious drinking problem that may or may not have lead to your many out of control manic episodes in which you leave friends and lovers laying in a heap. Senator, for the sake of all that is good and sacred in this community, you really should fess up and admit it, you are not the victim here and everyone around you knows it.

You hear that y'all?

I sure hope so. August is right around the corner.

Did Someone Say Forgery?

Court documents state that Senator Julia Boseman left her life-partner Melissa Jarrell in May of 2006.

A document filed with the Board of Elections was certified by Boseman's campaign treasurer, according to the 48 hour notice report received by the board on May 8, 2006.

The document's signature and handwriting do not seem to match an earlier, similar document. Both signatures are alleged to be made by treasurer, Melissa Jarrell. A friend of Ms. Jarrell claims the May 2006 document was forged.

It is doubtful convicted forger Mark Griffis, fundraiser and close personal friend of Senator Boseman, would have been so stupid to have signed Ms. Jarrell's name to a legal document.

The question is, who did?

Boseman Party Flopped

You've got to be proud of dedicated brave citizens who take time away from their day to participate in voicing their concern in concert at the June 24th fundraiser held at a convicted felon's home on Trails End.

It is estimated that 20 or so protesters, armed with a permit, gathered in front of the guarded gate of the home of David Robertson and Mark Griffis. The fund raiser organized by the Boseman Campaign feature an appearance by Senator Marc Basnight of Dare County.

Only a handful of people showed up in support of Senator Julia Boseman. But as each supporter showed up they were let onto the property by Hollis Briggs, one time candidate to replace Rep. Thomas Wright, opening the gate for them.

The party began at 6PM. It wasn't until 6:15 before cars started rolling in. Single occupant vehicles of various shapes and sizes pulling in and parking. I would imagine it being tough to drag someone else along.

By 6:30 - 6:45 the supporters more or less were already there. All forty or so of them.

Various clandestine photographers were spotted by alert observers. More than likely taking pictures of each other. One photographer from the Wilmington Journal told me, when I asked, who he was working for, and I quote, "it's none of your (blankity-blank) business now is it?". gee and I thought everyone knew me. I supposed for a second or two that he was filming Boys Gone Wild because of the shirtless deadhead. Seriously, some wacked out Jeff Spicoli was wondering aimlessly about mumbling to himself. He was with the party and he seemed to be the having a lot of fun, maybe he was he entertainment.


Carry on Garth!

God Bless America!