Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Boseman - The Crying Game

"As a result of a failed personal relationship, properties that I jointly owned have entered foreclosure and the first was auctioned today," said Senator Boseman in a statement issued to WECT on Wednesday.

The senator goes on to say, "Anyone who has gone through or stood by someone going through something similar understands the deeply personal and difficult issues involved."

"Failed personal relationship"

When someone causes a personal relationship to fail by abandoning it, yeah that's sad, for ones left behind.

"properties that I jointly owned have entered foreclosure"

Properties that were highly leveraged, speculative investments that became bogged down in the collapse of the real estate market in which favorable 1.75% ARM jumbo loans spiraled upwards and became more than the cost of just doing business as usual, so Senator rather that pay the bank back, you took vacations, bought expensive toys, million dollar house, car, boat, wife and defaulted on the loans in order to maintain an extravagant lifestyle, of which you have become accustomed.

"Anyone who has gone through or stood by someone going through something similar understands the deeply personal and difficult issues involved."

Ah sure, we've all seen a train wreck at the coo-coo nest crossing. ON TV! Sure, happens all the time in wierd, crazy people's lives. In fact I used to read a lot about this exact same thing in People Magazine about that poor Britney girl.

Are you Britney y'all?

Or are you just the typical self destructive, compulsive liar with a serious drinking problem that may or may not have lead to your many out of control manic episodes in which you leave friends and lovers laying in a heap. Senator, for the sake of all that is good and sacred in this community, you really should fess up and admit it, you are not the victim here and everyone around you knows it.

You hear that y'all?

I sure hope so. August is right around the corner.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Where is that article you posted about betrayl and it had the transcripts on it too?

So I got something to say, how come Julia's nut job friends dont see how she has no loyalty?

And all this stuff about her wanting to raise the child is a joke. She needs that little boy in her campaign ads and just to see to it he grows up just like her.

Well cry me a river b**ch, you aint worthy of that kid. You tricked the mother into going ahead with the adoption, lied to the social workers who were qualifying you. did youtell them about the two women you were screwing at the time, was it three.

Why not pack it in and let someone else run for senate?