According to the Wilmington Journal's consistently breaking news coverage regarding the Sen. Boseman saga a campaign fundraiser will be held August 18th at the home of Joyce Fitzpatrick in Raleigh. Fitzpatrick is one of the south's most well respected public relations professionals. She was inducted into the UNC School of Journalism's Public Relations Hall of Fame in 2000.
She (Fitzpatrick) is recognized as a specialist in crisis and change communications. InsidePR magazine named Fitzpatrick a PR All-Star for her employee communications work at IBM Corp. in 1992. She was named a Distinguished Young Alumna at UNC in 1995, ranked among the Triangle's Most Powerful Women by Triangle Business Journal in 1996, and elected to the YWCA of Wake County's Academy of Women in 1997. UNC press release
Fitzpatrick also represented top NC Lobbyist and recently humiliated scumbag, Don Beason as he tried to wiggle out of his participation in the Jim Black cartel. Beason was the person that "loaned" Jim Black $500,000.
The 70 something year old and crotchety Beason was found guilty recently of simple assault, ending his trial on a more serious charge of assault with a firearm for brandishing a gun during a traffic confrontation July 6.
Wake County Chief District Court Judge Joyce Hamilton ruled in Beason's non-jury trial after a day of testimony. She sentenced Beason to 100 hours of community service and continued judgment for 12 months, which would allow Beason to apply to have the conviction vacated then.
Beason had been charged with assault with a firearm.
In court, Jason Batten said he and his fiancee, Chrisy Tellis, were driving to a gas station on Oberlin Road to get some headache medicine when his vehicle was in front of Beason's pickup at a stop light. He said Beason pressed down on the truck's horn for a long period of time then jumped out brandishing a weapon because he was irritated.
Beason's protege' and fellow lobbyist, Theresa Kostrzewa is the same lobbyist that Sen. Boseman bunked with while staying in Raleigh during session. Of course it was all legal because Boseman supposedly paid the lobbyist of the pork, video poker and payday lenders, $50 a night for the privilege. But what might not be legal is the level of participation TK has with this "fundraiser" because in the email sent out by the Boseman campaign the lobbyist appears to be the RSVP contact person and not the party supposedly hosting the fundraiser.

email from Boseman campaign
Now bare with me. You have one of the south's top PR people who specializes in spinning troublesome situations supposedly holding a fundraiser for a troubled senator but the contact person is a lobbyist. If the Journal's investigative reporter Cash Michaels didn't verify this 3 times I wouldn't believe it. In fact I would bet this would have been about as believable as John Edwards affair story in the National Enquirer. But it is true. So why is it important?
This announcement, and it was an announcement, was to alert the Democrats that Sen. Boseman has no intention of stepping down. The "Faux" fundraiser is just days before the cut-off to replace her on the ballot and the Boseman camp's PR team is sending a strong message that they will not go quietly. In fact they rub the lobbyist name into the face of those who dare question it so that the announcement "has legs."
Ballsy move on the senator's part. Don't know if it will win her the election but it will make those democrats putting pressure on her to resign back off.
One more thing, why is it Senator Boseman is holding these fundraisers in Raleigh and why is TK's name associated with them?
Stay tuned. You'll find out in due course! (remember that thing dropped in my lap a while back?)
maybe some good sense will drop in your lap
Good sense? Well as long as it isn't Julia's face...
Main Entry:
Middle English, from Old English leger; akin to Old High German legar bed, Old English licgan to lie — more at lie
before 12th century
1dialect British : a resting or sleeping place : bed
2 a: the resting or living place of a wild animal : den b: a refuge or place for hiding
Hi Clean it up:
Want to talk. Email me at cashmichaels@yahoo.com.
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