Senator RC Soles was arrested in July of 1971 for running from the police. He was said to have been driving at speeds of over 115 mph in a 45 mile and hour zone, the chase went for 10 miles.
The word on the street is that Soles did not stop because he was dressed as a woman and had picked up a soldier along Hay Street. Tony Rand represented Soles in court as did Congressman Charlie Rose.
I have no idea if the drag story is true, but it's been around for years and years as has the one about stabbing Jim Burns of WECT.
Do you think Sen. Soles is trying to relive his life through these clients of his? There is an old saying, "Once a man, twice a child."
Senator Soles' past sure looks like he was a hell raiser. These clients of his are being taught by the best.
Soles wants desperately to be these boys' father. Most of these rough boys have no father. Soles grew up in a house with no indoor toilet. One might think that the father of RC may have spent time creating wealth instead of being a father to RC. The attention the old man paid to RC may have been violent and perhaps even sexual. RC is merely playing out his own life with these poor ignorant pawns, trying to figure out his own life by tweaking with the lives of those drug addicted young men.
In other words, Soles has demons.
Dr. Drew, you think Soles has demons? He is a demon. You apparently don't know his father. RC is a spoiled brat. No one ever knew he had a sister because he was always in the limelight.
As far as RC growing up using an outhouse (outside toilet), almost everybody in Columbus County was raised using one. He gets no pity there...his father was a no nonsense businessman and the Soles family owned practically everything in TC...groceries, hardware, anything you needed and wanted was purchased through them. RC never had to work as a young man which coincides with these punks. He has taught these little wusts of his the law and how to maneavur around it. It's going to hit him square in the face now. Let's see if he taught them everything. He has a pattern going on. Two are sitting in prison now and two are out. He keeps the State of NC in business with his little thugs. I hope his cell is getting prepared for when the crap is finally uncovered because he definitely will be looking from behind bars, and then what will the mayor of TC do since Senator Soles is his lifeline?
Soles may be enabling these nar-do-wells in their criminal endevors by continuously funding their lifestyle. The kid they arrested for arson has a pile of dirt on RC that may have burned up in the fire.
A freind of mine has an appointment with the FBI abut Soles. He was called in to talk Wenesday. The only thing he knows is what everyone else knows but he knows some names and witnesses. If they are talking to him they are talking to everyone.
Looks like Froggie is following in the footsteps of his "mentor"
Cant soles be arrested for contributing to the delenquency of a minor for buying an unlicensed teen the car in the first place?
This old pervert has been paying to spank the butts of these boys for years and years.
So Im no psychiatrist but there's something to this kind of influence Senator Soles has on this young man.
I tend to agree that Soles has a responsibility here, he is the one doing the mentoring, if that's what you want to call it.
And $500,000 bond for failing to stop for a blue light? Come on, they're trying to sweat the boy, make him cooperative. Anyone seen the Columbus County Jail, Christ two days in that hell hole and I'll tell anybody anything about anyone.
You vile human being are disgusting and I hope that Mr. Soles sues you in court and takes you for every cent you have. This man has done nothing but attempt to help people who claim that they need help. He is a Christian and a pillow of the community.
oh that comment!!! A pillow of the community. That is so funny. A pillow....
Elwood Mr Soles doesn't need to sue anyone for money. He has plenty. He gives "generously" to men in his community and to organizations. In addition, he loaned hundreds of thousands to his campaign last Oct/Nov. Where does this man get so much cash? Is there really that much money flowing through Tabor City or is it just through his hands the rest are fed?
Just went to the N & O site looking for the story on Soles and the teen who posted the pricey bond to see the latest comments. Alas, the page is unavailable. Wonder why...
When contacted, Sen. Soles was unable to comment, he had a Frog in his throat.
I can't swallow Jim, it Burns.
RC thing is such bull shit, its like saying Obama is a Kenyan. Nobody cares.
Hey Mort- where does RC get all that $? Who does he take care of to get it? It is hard to believe there are enough criminals not being funded by RC that can pay him for work. He isn't the only attorney in town. How much action is there in TC?
We all know Soles gets his money from lobbyists, he orchestrated the deal between Wright and the lobbyists that caused him to go to prison. Soles, Basnight, etc all have their hands out and their matrsses full of cash given to them for one favor or another. The fact that he chooses to funnel that cash into the hands of hardened criminals smacks of the political "bosses" of yesteryear seen only today in third world countries. Whether he is getting sexual favors or creating an army to enforce his various criminal endevors it is troubling either way. The man has serious issues that smack of corruption. He should resign or be given the boot.
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