Have you heard the news? The Senator's family may be expecting. The question is will she attempt to steal this baby too by claiming she is the father?
There seems to be a reality show somewhere in all this drama.
There has always been an undercurrent of corruption and deceptive political practices in Wilmington dating back to the 1898 revolt. There are no accurate accounts, no accountability, no justice on many of the incidents that take place along the Cape Fear River. Hopefully once things die down we can go back into history to uncover some of the outlandish escapes of justice seen in the area. Cases like COLCOR where a senator from Columbus County slipped away.
Best wishes to the mother, let's hope she has a good memory of the Senator's history.
This is just rude. You are one sick woman to have nothing better to do that gossip about our senator.
This for real? She has a penis? Now that's news!
Winnie Foo this obsession of yours is disturbing to say the least.
I think the mother is stupid!
I just saw posts on the Wilmington Star News about the gays that have that commune raising kids and one man messed with his 5 year old adopted black kid. Why is it these gays just seem to be so creepy.
how on earth did someone as worthless as Wanda Copley, County Attorney, end up earning almost 140K per year? No wonder the county's finances are a mess. She probably couldn't make 100K in private practice. I wish you'd follow some of this. See the link: http://www.starnewsonline.com/article/20090703/COLUMNIST/907029974/1177?Title=Editor-s-Note-&appSession=38396877454980
Don't be a hater because she is success and you are a bitter woman. Why don't you just stop all the slander and rumor mongering. This sort of nonsense will not change the past.
Copely deserves it. Look at all the law suits and give-a-ways she has had to deal with.
Copley doesn't work any of those cases. She doles them out to a law firm. She's a feckless bug-eyed idiot. She doesn't do anything but sit on her fat ass and collect a check. She wouldn't leave that job if they cut her salary to 50K because she knows she couldn't make that in private practice.
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