In newspapers delivered today, the Wilmington Journal declares war against the hackers that criminally deleted articles regarding Senator Boseman's alleged frequent use of the word "nigger." Boseman has failed to answer the charge that she is a racist, a term used to describe her by a close personal friend that testified under oath in court back in December.
The June 19 story, “Boseman Campaign Denies Senator Used Racial Slurs” and accompanying editorial, “Answer the Question, Senator, or Resign” were deleted from the Journal website by an unknown hacker on Friday, who subsequently replaced the materials with a banner saying, “ F--- the World!”
The June 19 Boseman story and editorial were the only items deleted, said Wilmington Journal Publisher Mary Alice Thatch. The unauthorized intrusion to remove the scathing, but fact-based material, affected not only the Journal website, but over 200 other unrelated websites hosted by the same server.
The Journal compared the attack to the firebombing of the 7th Street newspaper by a white supremacist in 1973. The paper also even went further to link similarities of the destruction of the electronic media to that of the political mob's burning down the black press, The Daily Record in 1898.
The editorial in today's Journal says:
Yes, this newspaper knows better than most what it’s like to be viciously targeted by those who would prefer that the truth never see the light of day, but as our founder/publisher T.C. Jervay once told the City Council of this city, “We’re not leaving!”
Minus the bloodshed, attacking our website is no different in spirit than what happened in 1898. This should outrage all citizens, no matter what their color, gender, political or sexual orientation.
Attacking a free press, denying citizens the right to be informed, is a cowardly, filthy, dishonorable act worthy only of a bottom-feeding parasite. This newspaper has the right, guaranteed by the US Constitution, to question and challenge government, and those who serve it.
Challenge for the truth, and nothing less.
Also in the Journal's front page article is a look into the vindictive nature of the Senator after she had been caught violating court orders which could void December's agreement allowing her joint custody, under certain conditions. One of those conditions was to not take the child out of town without permission. The violation stems from the existing court order granting the child's natural mother the primary physical custody of her child making her home the primary residence of the child.
Atty Lea said decisions during the child custody trial were made irrespective of Sen. Boseman’s political career.
“We’re making decisions based on what is best for her to win custody of her child,” Lea maintained.
Right now, that may be in jeopardy.
Jarrell’s attorneys filed a “Motion for Order to Show Cause” against Boseman on June 16, challenging the joint legal custody of the six-year-old child she won in January, alleging that Boseman has violated the original court order.
Shortly after, Boseman and her attorneys responded to the motion with legal papers of their own in New Hanover District Court, alleging that Jarrell was “unfit” because she was no longer working and plans to move to South Carolina.
Sen. Boseman's frivolously wasted the court's time by her team filing a counter arguement alleging that the child's birth mother is unfit, simply because she has retired recently from coaching and has moved from the house sold in foreclosure Tuesday on the courthouse steps. In other words, Boseman does not believe a woman fit to be a mother unless she has a job.
** photo credit**
Photo taken from the front page of the Wilmington Journal shows the gate at the driveway of the Trails End home of convicted felon and Boseman fundraiser Mark Griffis. The photo shows Sen Basnight (D-Dare) with Hollis Briggs (Boseman's paid consultant and poll worker in the prior election) and Sen Boseman.
Boseman has taken this grrl power trip a bit too far stating that a mother who chooses to stay at home with her child is unfit to be a parent. How rediculous!
According to a 2002 report by the U.S. Census Bureau, "stay-at-home" dads numbered only 189,000 compared to 11 million "stay-at-home moms" for the 41 million children under 15 living with two parents.
Mothers who stay home are concentrated in the top 5% of household incomes and the bottom 25%, says Stephanie Coontz of the non-profit, non-partisan Council on Contemporary Families.
"Economics always play a role," said Claire Lerner of the national non-profit organization Zero to Three. "Quality child care is very expensive. It can absorb as much as half or more of a family's income."
More than 88% of moms who stay home do so primarily to care for children, the report says; 42% of stay-at-home moms had children under age 3. Thirty-nine percent of moms and 30% of dads were under age 35.
• The proportion of young, never-married adults has risen since 1970, more than doubling for women ages 20-24, from 36% to 75%, and more than tripling for women ages 30-34, from 6% to 23%.
• Average household size declined from 3.14 people in 1970 to 2.57 people in 2003.
Marc, is this why you are doing this?
Thursday, October 10, 2002
Benson says Democrats "stooped to criminal conduct"
Candidate’s personnel files are released while Democratic party chair appears on tv and accuses Benson of untruths
By Johanna Thatch
Of the Wilmington Journal
It is certainly not a “newsflash” nor is it “font page news” that the prevalent attitude toward the media in the African American community is often times negative.
Neither is it a secret that some African Americans believe that the mainstream media often reports one-sided stories, deliver the news with favor and bias.
And perhaps it did not surprise many on Wednesday afternoon when New Hanover County Sheriff candidate Marc Benson echoed the same feelings during a press conference.
His reaction was in response to a local news release he faxed to various local media.
Benson said that on Tuesday, October 9, Chairperson of the NHC Democratic Party Gary Shipman disclosed to the press paperwork from his personnel file and included the statement, “Mr. Benson is simply not being truthful with the public when he says he resigned from the Sheriff’s Department.
It’s time that he come clean about the allegations against him while he as employed with the Sheriff’s Department, and consent to a release of his personnel file so that the public has an opportunity to assess whether he is worthy of being the Sheriff of this county.”
The statement continued, “To do anything less would be to perpetuate the cloud of suspicion that continues to hang over him.”
But Benson contends that the cloud will never disappear until his opposition “lets it die”.
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