In an exclusive interview with Senator Julia Boseman WECT asked the Senator about the sworn testimony by close personal friend, Bobbie Dunn in which Dunn said she considered Sen. Boseman to be a racist because Boseman felt superior to African-Americans.
Boseman said she did not consider herself to be racist, that she did not think herself to be better than anyone.
Either the question, put to Sen. Boseman repeatedly by the Wilmington Journal, was not asked, or the answer was not forthcoming so that part was edited out, either way Senator Boseman, once again, had the opportunity to deny calling blacks, niggers and didn't.
The "news" segment came off a bit heavy handed with the misinformation regarding who made what testimony under oath with the threat of perjury hanging over the witness as she testified. It also squeezed the bit about "I did it for the kid" angle until I had to get up, walk over to my dog and kick the crap out of it before I popped a blood vessel. When are people going to get it, Sen. Boseman committed these act of disgrace while living with the child, in front of the child, in front of others and the child. (well except for making out with her mistress the police detective at a NASCAR event in front of other children) she should have thought of her actions WHILE she was doing them, knowing of the possibility of having to answer for them someday. When a candidate with drawers full of money to hire the smartest and best to advise her on how to spin this mess, she goes to WECT to tell her side. Why? Because she knew she would be taken care of.
Look at Imus, look at the Governor of New York, now look at Julia Boseman.
At 11 we will hear that the reason we look at all is because she is a lesbian.... SAY WHAT!!!!!
I believe the person to contact about the "alleged" inaccuracies in the news story would be the reporter Kelly O'Kara. She was the one who was actually there, taking notes. I'm sure she never read the transcript much less knew where to find it. So email her and ask where she got the information that Melissa Jarrell was the one that said Julia is a racist. Someone must have told her that, she didn't make it up.
Email her at
She said it was all the Libertarians fault.
I hope your dog bit you back for kicking it.
If Boseman wants to continue showing her face in front of the bright camera lights, she should really consider seeing a dematologist or plastic surgeon. And what's up with her hair? Can't she afford to see a beautician.
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