Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Clinton Lending a Hand

Nothing like a reach-around to boost your spirits and nothing like an ex-prez to glad hand the rich for ya to pad your bank account.

"It's not every day the president comes down and throws a fundraiser for you," Boseman said Tuesday. "It gives me a start on fundraising for next year."

If I had eaten breakfast like I should have I would have spit it right back out this morning when I heard the news about my man Bill coming to the rescue of the poor, pitiful Miss Julia.

I still might puke.


Anonymous said...

Isn't Senator Boseman under investigation for forging her campaign finance documents? Isn't she the one that illegally adopted a child? Isn't Julia Boseman the woman that was censored for publicly and drunkenly groping and fondling a woman at a government function at a NASCAR race? And she is the same Julia Boseman that uses the N word around children right?

Of course Bill Clinton is coming to her rescue. Why not?

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I, for one, am thankful that this website has been so dedicated to the exposure of corrupt officials. I live in Columbus County and am ashamed of how RC Soles has been elected time and time again even though he is as dirty as the boys he pays to entertain him. With the recent news of Julia Boseman and all her many rotting skeletons falling from her discusting closet it is a relief to all those virtuous citizens to know that someone is on her tarnished tail. Her victory is a festering boil on the red bottom of the North Carolina Senate. She would have been publically humiliated for her ethical violations and her immorality if I was Governor.

Thank you for your many informative posts and I look forward to many more.

God bless!

Anonymous said...

Ms Norris I agree with you 100%

Anonymous said...

Yes, she is the same one. Looks like birds of a feather flock together. Perhaps it's the kinsman to exposure of their sick promiscuous sexual scandals that has bound Bill and Julia. I suggest everyone write and email Obama and protest Bill's appearance since his wife is to be the US Secretary of State. Bill's appearance with Julia Boseman is a manipulative attempt at abuse of power. The Oral Arguments for her adoption is scheduled to be heard at the court of appeals the same day. I will write to voice my disgust as a North Carolina Democrat. We voted Obama in but if he approves of this type of behavior, we sure as hell can vote him out!

Clean it up! said...

I will have to get a copy of the complaint in the adoption case posted online. I have read it and basically it says that Senator Boseman, with the help of a corrupt clerk of court in Durham, illegally adopted a baby.


Anonymous said...

Clean It Up, go back and read the transcript again. I downloaded it from your website when you had it online and have done some investigation into this issue on my own. It isn't a corrupt clerk; it's a corrupt judge in Durham County. This issue is deep and someone needs to get it out there.
Look at the first transcript. See normally adoptions are filed and the clerk of court signs the adoption papers. After the clerk signs, then it's sent to DHHS for a new birth certificate. Then DHHS would issue the new birth certificate with both parents name and send it back to the clerk. Here is the problem.
Approximately 300 same sex adoptions were signed-not by the clerk of court, but a Durham County JUDGE. The clerk then sent them to DHHS for the new birth certificate but DHHS wouldn't issue the new birth certificates because the birth parent had NOT terminated their parental rights as required by NC Legislative Law. They returned them to the clerk saying they are not valid and the parental rights need to be terminated.
After about 300 invalid adoptions were sent to DHHS (ONLY FROM DURHAM COUNTY) The clerk stopped sending the adoption papers to DHHS. Now, the clerk just files them in a filing cabinet in the clerk of courts office.
DHHS does not recognize the adoptions as valid because they aren't!!
Now, go look at your transcripts. Ms. Jarrell subpoenaed the clerk of court from Durham County because she needed the clerk’s testimony to say they don't send them to DHHS because DHHS was returning them as against NC Legislative Law. Grady Ballentine for the North Carolina Department of Justice was there to quash a subpoena for the clerk of Durham County.
Then Mr. Martin, Jarrell’s attorney, says the only reason they are subpoenaing the Clerk is because the clerk REFUSED to cooperate with a deposition. Then Mr. Martin said the clerk originally said he were willing to sign an affidavit but later recanted.
Mr. Martin continues to explain a Judge signed the adoption, not the clerk so they are not questioning the Clerks judicial decisions.

In the transcript, he provides the Judge with a transcript of Tammy Johnson’s (a supervisor at DHHS) sworn testimony in which she states they sent those adoptions back to the clerk because they are not compliant with NC Legislative Law because the parental rights of the biological mother wasn't severed.

Ms. Johnson’s sworn testimony continues to say they received those types of adoptions only from Durham County for about 4 or 5 months. Then she sent a letter directly to Mr. Cook, the Durham County Clerk, stating the adoptions are not compliant with NC Law and would not be indexed. After that, they never received another same sex adoption from Durham County.

This testimony was critical for Ms. Jarrell to prove the fraudulent adoption wasn't valid. Of course, it was just as critical for Ms. Boseman to not have the testimony heard because then she wouldn't have a custody case if the adoption wasn't legal.

Go back and read it. I'll summarize the ending. The Judge, Lillian Jordan, quashed the subpoena. Then Judge Jordan decided the adoption was valid because it was signed by another JUDGE. So it is another corrupt Judge and corrupt clerk.

Now, Ms. Jarrell has appealed the adoption on the grounds it isn’t valid. Since Ms. Boseman is part of the Legislative body that makes NC Law, she is well aware the adoption isn't legal.
If the court of appeals upholds this adoption, even though it's against NC Law, then it sets a precedent in NC. ALL OTHER ILLEGAL adoptions could be upheld because of this case.
Now, here is the rub. Boseman couldn't come out and write a bill for same sex adoption. That would be too straight forward but to illegally adopt her partner’s child and then challenge it all the way to the Court of Appeals. DO YOU THINK THE GAY AND LESBIAN ORGANIZATIONS WOULD GIVE HER MONEY TO MAKE THESE ADOPTIONS LEGAL?

You betcha...at the expense of a child.


The citizens of North Carolina should shout this story to the roof. If you want to make same sex adoption legal, then do it the right way.

Anonymous said...

That explains why Julia Boseman received so much PAC money from all over the country!

Anonymous said...

Notice the calendar date of 1/26/09


Anonymous said...

It's the same date that Bill Clinton will be appearing with Julia Boseman.

Wonder which attorney requested the calendar date?

Clean it up! said...

Why should anyone have to sue to see to it that the law is enforced? Where is the Department of Justice in all this?

How much is Clinton being paid to be there? Who pays him?

Anonymous said...

I have one question about the photo... Did bill give Ms. Boozeman the pearl necklace?