Monday, June 23, 2008

Convicted Felon and Sen. Boseman's Money

(l) Mark Griffis (c) Chancellor Rosemary DePaolo (r)David Robertson

The Ann Flack Boseman Scholarship is selected annually by the faculty of the Department of Art and Art History. This scholarship is endowed through the generosity of donors Mark Griffis and Dave Robertson in honor of Ann Flack Boseman. The award, which is a merit-based honor consists of $1,000 toward tuition as well as a solo exhibition. UNCW quote

Ann Boseman is a woman more than likely deserving a little bit of recognition. Who knows. However the mother of Senator Julia Boseman most likely didn't know that the scholarship endowment at UNCW that bears her name came from a convicted Felon.

Dave Robertson and Mark Joseph Griffis have been paraded about by UNCW for the couple's patronage of the university. But like Ann Boseman was in the dark about people she traveled to Europe with, surely the same ignorance can be said about the university having no idea that Mr. Griffis is a convicted Felon. In 1998 Griffis was charged with FORGERY OF ENDORSEMENT. He was tracked down in Maywood, Illinois and brought back to North Carolina to face trial and conviction. (1998CRS000417)

Robertson and Griffis are big fundraisers for Senator Julia Boseman and it's rumored that soon the couple will be hosting a gala event in Senator Boseman's honor at their house on Trails End in order to kick her campaign into high gear.

Amazing how some people can be so forgiving of Felons when money is shoved into their pockets.

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